
Creating Routines In Your Bullet Journal For Success And Structure

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There is a limitless amount of Bullet Journal page ideas out there, and today we’ll be talking about creating routine spreads.

Are you feeling a bit lost and overwhelmed these days? Many of us are right now, but the good news is that there is something we can do to help restore balance and structure in our lives: creating routines with the help of a Bullet Journal.

Routines are my secret weapon to have productive and happy days, so I’m excited to tell you more about them and help you create your own perfect routine.

Read on to learn how creating the perfect Bullet Journal routine could be your first step toward success, clarity, and stability going forward.

Routines are a series of little habits that you do every day, one after another. Like when you wake up, brush your teeth, and go downstairs to brew your first cup of coffee – that’s your routine.

It doesn’t seem like it’s such a big deal, right?

Well, actually, routines can be extremely impactful on your everyday life and a general feeling of happiness. Good routines can help you be a better self and feel happier, while bad routines might affect your days and psyche in a negative way.

Don’t be scared; today, we’ll talk about the importance of routines and how you can create perfect daily routines for yourself.

I also don’t want to leave you without inspiration, so at the end of the post, you will find different routine Bullet Journal spreads from tons of amazing creators.

There is also a free printable at the end of the post, as well as some more resources.

Why Are Routines Important

Routines have an amazing impact on our lives. 

Let’s start with the easiest thing – having routines helps you to move through your day quickly and more efficiently.

Try waking up without a routine and figure out what it is you should do next! Isn’t it much more effective to already know what steps are there once you open your eyes?

Morning and evening routines help you to show some self-love and are a great way of self-care. Making yourself a priority, even in little things, will bring you joy and peace.

Following repetitive steps also makes you feel safer and in control. There are very few things in life we can really control, and it can get pretty overwhelming.

But as long as you have your routine to rely on, you’ll have more structure and control over how your day goes.

Finally, having a routine means that your steps are automated, and you don’t need to spend any willpower on making decisions.

The thing is – willpower is a limited resource, and if you can save it up by having routines and automating your actions – you’ll be able to save it up for important decisions and be more efficient and productive.

Why Use Your Bullet Journal For Routines

One major benefit of using a Bullet Journal for creating routines is that it allows you to keep track of all the little things in life that need to get done each day or week without feeling overwhelmed by them.

By writing down everything in one place, you can easily refer back to it when needed instead of having multiple lists scattered across different places. Additionally, writing down the routines gives you visual reminders so they don’t slip through the cracks and fall off your radar.

Another great advantage of using a Bullet Journal for creating routines is its flexibility when it comes to creating and tweaking your routines. Every person is different, so each person requires a different routine that works for them.

With the Bullet Journal, you can customize the system however you want in order to make it work for you. Whether it’s adding stickers or washi tape to make it visually pleasing or creating custom page layouts that match your needs—you can tailor your Bullet Journal in a way that best meets your needs.

Bullet Journal Routine Types

Usually, when you think of routines (or type it in Google), it’ll tell you about morning and evening routines.

For a good reason – those are the ones everyone needs and are some of the most important routines you can have.

Aesthetic Morning and Evening Routines

The way you start your day defines how it will go, and the way you finish, it will be impactful on your next day.

So it only makes sense that you would pay extra attention to it and make it a pleasant experience by creating an excellent routine.

5 Must Have Bullet Journal Productivity Spreads | Masha Plans

But your routines don’t have to be limited by that!

“Perfect Day” Routine

This is a total lifesaver if you’re working from home or are self-employed.

If you have your daily routine set, it will take away so many worries! It’s kind of like having a clean house.

You know each thing has its own place, so there is no need to stress about where to put it.

Another type of routine is ….

Planning Routine

Planning is definitely a key to achieving your goals, being more productive, and being happier and healthier.

However, starting to plan can be pretty hard. You’re not used to it, and you don’t really see the results right away. I know from my own experience it’s so easy to just slide back and stop planning.

Bullet Journal Planning Routine | Masha Plans

If you’re just discovering the planning world it’s very helpful to create a planning routine. Make it easier on yourself to start planning and keep it up.

Skincare Routine

When it comes to your skincare routine, it can be easy to get lost in the endless sea of products and steps.

By creating a dedicated spread for your skincare routine, you can stay organized and track your progress over time. Plus, it’s a fun way to personalize your self-care routine.

You can include everything from cleansing and toning to masks and serums, and even note down any improvements or issues you’ve noticed with your skin.

Here are just a few ideas, but with everything about Bullet Journaling, it can be totally customizable.

Just think of what kind of routine you could use and create it!

Here are a few more ideas to get your imagination going:

  • Workday routine
  • Holiday routine
  • Quarantine routine
  • Workout routine
  • Self-care routine

How To Create An Aesthetic Routine That Works For You

There are many amazing routine ideas out there, but you should never just copy somebody’s routine.

You are you, and you are absolutely unique, so you have to think of a routine that works best for you and your lifestyle.

That being said, here are a few steps you’d like to follow when creating your routines.

  • Find Your Why

If you don’t know why you’re doing something, it isn’t likely you’ll be committed and will not follow through with it.

So first and foremost, think about why you’re creating a routine and why your current routine doesn’t work for you.

  • List Out Some Ideas

Next step – brain dump. Think of all the things you’d like to include in your routine. This is where you can absolutely do a google search for different routines and find ideas from others.

  • Time The Habits

Now take a look at your list and time how long each of these things would take. Also, make sure you add some wiggle time because life does happen, and you might hit that snooze button in the morning or decide to watch just one more episode at night.

  • Set Priorities

By now, you probably see that doing ALL the things would take you the entire day, so it’s time to cut down on what you’re adding to your routine by setting priorities.

Yes, it’s nice to wake up at 6 am, do some yoga and meditation, and finish up the morning with a fresh green smoothie and journaling.

But chances are, you don’t have time to do it all, so set your priorities and pick the tasks that align with what you want to achieve.

  • Assess Your Routine

The final step is to assess the routine you created. Does it fit with your lifestyle? Will it be intruding on your family routine or your roommates?

Another important question to ask yourself is – will I do it? Don’t make your routine overly complicated, and don’t include things that you’re unlikely to do.

I’d love to wake up, do an hour of CrossFit and have a Wonder Woman body. But I know that’s definitely not something I’ll ever do. So I start small, with 30 minutes of yoga.

Yeah, for some reason, I started by talking about routines in general but ended up with a morning routine. But the same principles work for every type of routine, so don’t be confused.

  • Try And Improve

There is one more step to creating a routine, though. 

Once you start actually following your routine in some time, you’ll have a better understanding of what’s working and what’s not.

So don’t take your routine as gospel to follow step by step. Make it more fluid and change it as you go. You’re changing, and your life changes – it makes perfect sense that your routines would also be changing.

How To Create A Routine Bullet Journal Spread

Now that you have done the most important part and figured out what kind of routine you need to create and what your goals are with it, it’s time to start creating.

You need to decide how you want to create the routine.

  • Do you want it to be a strict routine with time allocated?
  • Do you want to have a step-by-step list of all the steps in your routine?
  • Do you want to simply make a list of things you want to do and change it around day by day?

Once you figure out what type of information you would like to include in this particular spread, think about how much space each element should take up on the page.

That’s the step where I usually recommend you to use a pencil and sketch the spread I’m trying to create.

The final step is to decorate your page. Consider adding elements such as headers and footers or other decorative touches if desired; there’s no limit when it comes to personalizing your spread!

And just like that, you’ll have a beautiful spread ready to help you establish powerful routines and transform your days.

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Stationery Recommendations

No way I will leave you without sharing some amazing supplies that can help you create beautiful routine pages.

Here are some of my favorites:

  • Sakura Pigma Micron – it’s always a great tool for creating any Bullet Journal pages.
  • Crayola Super Tips – these are wonderful pens to add color to your pages, and they are pretty affordable as well.
  • Tombow Fudenosuke – these excellent brush pens will be a perfect addon to any page, allowing you to create beautiful brush lettering headers.
  • Bullet Journal Stencils – an awesome set of stencils that will help you speed up your setups, as well as decorate your spreads.

How To Make  Daily Routine Stick

Creating new routines won’t be easy. Your brain already has set routines, and breaking old habits can be pretty challenging.

There are a few things you could do to help yourself with this process.

  • Habit Tracking

Probably the most important instrument will be a habit tracker. It’s always there to remind you to do things, and it will work with your routines as well.

  • Bullet Journal Routine Spread

Visualizing your routine as a schedule spread in your Bullet Journal is so impactful. 

When you have it all written down step by step, you’ll be less likely to forget what to do, and eventually, it will become an easy automated process for you.

Daily Routine | Masha Plans
  • Stay Motivated

Motivation is a great moving power for all things, including establishing new routines.

Stay motivated by always remembering your why. Maybe you could write it down or create a bit visual board on how you see your life improving with your new routine.

Another thing that helps me a lot is reading self-help books. My Miracle Morning was probably the most motivational and impactful book that brought me on board with creating routines for myself.

The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM)
  • Used Book in Good Condition
  • Elrod, Hal (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)

I still go back to it pretty often to get that extra charge of motivation and refresh my memory. Every time I do I find something I completely forgot about.

You can also get this book as an audiobook for FREE with Audible trial. This definitely is my favorite way to consume books lately since I can listen to them when I clean, do chores, or just commute.

Free Printable Journal Daily Routine

Of course, I couldn’t leave you without a freebie.

Routine is a very personal thing, so this one is pretty basic and allows you to customize it to your needs and your routine.

You can get it already in the Resources Vault, and if you don’t have your access yet – just sign up in the form below.

If you’ve never used printables before, be sure to check my post How To Use Printables In Your Bullet Journal.

It’s pretty basic, and you can find all the supplies you need in my post Supplies For Using Bullet Journal Printables.

Do you have a routine spread in your Bullet Journal? What kind of routines do you have established in your day?

Let us know in the comments!

More Resources

If you’re looking for some more ideas, be sure to check these posts next:

Hope this post was interesting if you find it so, please share! If you enjoy my content and want to show your appreciation, please consider supporting me with a cup of coffee.

And remember: Keep Bullet Journaling, and Don’t Be A Blob.

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