
How To Draw A Book: 7 Easy Step By Step Tutorials

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If you want to learn how to doodle, the best way to do it is to follow a tutorial.

Today I’ll share with you 7 step-by-step doodle tutorials for beginners on how to draw a book (or several books).

Drawing a book may seem like a complex and difficult task, but it doesn’t have to be! With these seven easy step-by-step tutorials, you can learn how to draw pretty books in no time.

And don’t even worry if you have never doodled before – I got you covered.

Since my September Bullet Journal setup is books themed, I realized that I’d be doodling a lot of books and tried to come up with different ways to do it.

Once I did, I thought – heck, I might as well share these with you guys!

Doodling books is very easy, and it can definitely be useful in your Bullet Journal, starting from a book tracker all the way up to a full-on Bullet Journal theme.

They’re also great doodles to add to your Bullet Journal pages for school or your visual note-taking. 

So altogether, a very useful type of doodle if you ask me!

Let’s dive in and see how you can be very different and creative with these super easy-to-doodle books.

Be sure to scroll until the end so you can get some more resources, as well as a free doodling course for beginners.

How To Draw Books

For this blog post, I decided to doodle things digitally.

I find that for tutorials, it’s cleaner and easier to understand if I make it on the iPad.

However, every time I sit down to doodle for myself – it’s all paper for me! If you want to see some of these doodles in action – be sure to check my Bullet Journal Book Theme Setup.

Ready? Here are some super simple doodle tutorials.

How To Draw Books Standing

This is the easiest way to doodle books, and it’s probably the most popular one. These will look great in your book tracker!

Start by drawing several vertical lines; they will be your book spines later. Be sure they are of different heights and, maybe, have a bit of a different distance between each other. This will make each book stand up a bit more.

Next – add curved lines to the top and the bottom of your lines.

Finally, add some decorative elements to your spines – add dots, lines, circles, and rectangles. Let your imagination flow.

7 Simple Ways To Draw A Book - standing books | Masha Plans

Easy Book Drawing

Here is what you do if you need to doodle one single book.

Start with two rectangles, one in front and one at the back, but it’s slightly offset. Most of the rectangles at the back won’t be seen, so it’s a good doodle to start with a pencil.

Connect the lefty sides of both rectangles with little curved lines. This area is your book spine.

Finally, add some details. Decorate your spine and book cover; add more lines between the rectangles so it looks like pages.

7 Simple Ways To Draw A Book | Masha Plans

How To Draw A Book (angled)

Another way of drawing a book starts with two parallel lines that are connected with a small curved line on one side.

From three corners, draw parallel lines out and connect them at the top, mirroring the bottom part.

This will be the spine and cover of your book.

Finally, it’s time for details – decorate your spine and cover, and add lines to stand for your book’s pages.

7 Simple Ways To Draw A Book - angled book | Masha Plans

How To Draw An Open Book

Create two mirrored curved lines coming from the same spot. Below them, in some distance, repeat the same lines but this time make them a bit wider.

This is the open part of your book, so connect the side corners and the middle between the two lines. Be sure to add a little triangle for your spine in the middle part at the bottom.

Next, we will be adding more pages – coming from the spine at the bottom, following the lines of the page but drawing new ones just a tiny bit apart from it.

The final step is drawing the cover. Just like with the pages, follow the lines, but this time draw straight lines, don’t follow the curve.

7 Simple Ways To Draw A Book - opened book | Masha Plans

How To Draw A Stack Of Books

This is another super-easy way to draw a stack of books that will definitely add some more variety to your book tracker.

This one is very similar to drawing books standing up, so you should crack it in no time.

Start by creating horizontal parallel lines; remember to have different spaces between the lines and draw the lines in different widths.

Next – connect them with little curved lines. Tadam – these are your book spines!

The final step is to add some decoration to your spines to make them look different. I also like to play around with color.

7 Simple Ways To Draw A Book - stack of books | Masha Plans

How To Draw A Stack of Books (bottom view)

Another way to draw a stack of books is by looking at it from the bottom.

Just like before, start from parallel lines of different widths. Then connect only one side with curved lines,

Next step – add some width to the book cover but draw the same lines inside of each container.

The final step is to draw some lines as your book pages. You can keep them as if you can add curved inside lines to the open side of the books.

7 Simple Ways To Draw A Book - stack of books (bottom view) | Masha Plans

How To Draw A Stack Of Books (angled)

This is probably the most difficult of these easy doodles, so I left it for the end when you already know all the techniques to use.

Once you decide how many books you want in your stack – draw that many elongated Us. Add a curved inside like on the open part of your Us.

Next – time to draw spines and the cover. Draw parallel lines coming from the curves of the Us and one from the top. These are your spines and the cover.

Connect your spines with small curved lines and add a straight line to close your book cover.

The final step is decorating spines and covers and adding lines for book pages.

7 Simple Ways To Draw A Book - stack of books (angled view) | Masha Plans

You see, these all were pretty easy to draw. Which one of these was your favorite? Let us know in the comments!

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Doodling Supplies

Before I share with you some more resources on doodling, I wanted to mention some supplies.

You definitely can use whatever you already have in your collection, but if you want to get something special, here is what I’d recommend:

  • High-quality paper. Especially if you’ll want to add color to your doodles, you need to make sure the paper is smooth and won’t damage your markers. I recommend Rhodia notepad.
  • Pencil and eraser. These are staples for doodling, especially if you’re a beginner. I recommend Pilot Dr. Grip pencil because it has a comfortable grip, and it is a pleasure to doodle with it. And try a Sakura Foam Eraser, so it doesn’t leave any streaks when you use it.
  • Fineliners. Best pens for doodling, hands down! Especially since they come in different sizes so you can add variety to your doodles. I recommend Sakura Pigma Micron fineliners.
  • Markers. Something if you want to add color to your doodles. I recommend Crayola Super Tips since they come in many colors, are pretty affordable, and could also be used for brush lettering.

Free Doodling Course

If you’re here, you might want to learn how to doodle. And I’ve got you covered with a free doodling course I’ve created just for beginners like yourself.

In this course, I’ll share all the resources, tips, and tricks you need to unlock your creativity and start doodling immediately.

Once you confirm your subscription, you’ll get an email with all the details on how to get started on your creative journey.

More Resources

Of course, there are many more doodles to draw and resources on how to start doodling, and some more tutorials.

Here are a few posts to get you started:

You also might be using these book doodles for reading pages, so here are a few more blog posts with spreads you might like:

I hope this post was interesting. If you find it so, please share! If you enjoy my content and want to show your appreciation, please consider supporting me with a cup of coffee.

And remember: Keep Bullet Journaling, and Don’t Be A Blob.

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