
37 Brilliant Book Bullet Journal Theme Ideas And Inspirations

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For all the bookworms out there, here are some book Bullet Journal theme inspirations.

It also has my own September plan with me, where I did my own take on the books theme.

September, for me, is always a back-to-school month, even if I haven’t been to school for, like … let’s just say, many years.

But most of you wonderful people voted for me to do a Books theme, and that’s what I’ll be creating then.

I must say, it was not the theme I wanted the most, so I was a bit upset with the result, but when I sat down to create the theme – I could only be grateful to you guys for finding something, so fun to play with! I had a total blast, and I love my setup so much.

Plus! I actually create monthly setups in my work journal as well, so I did a stationery themed Bullet Journal setup there.

Of course, there will be a Plan With Me video somewhere in the middle of the post.

I also gathered some book theme ideas from other creators as well, so yeah, there’s tons of material for you guys here! 

Be sure to check the end of the post for some more book themed pages. Oh, and there is a free printable as well, so be sure to scroll until the end.

I can’t wait any longer; let’s dive in!

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Stationery To Create A Book Theme

There are some amazing supplies I found for creating a book theme, so I wanted to share them with you since, as a Bullet Journal enthusiast,- you’re probably really into stationery as well.

So let’s talk shop. Here are the supplies I used for my setup:

  • Nuuna journal. Not my favorite when it comes to paper quality, but I love it for the size and the smaller dot grid. And the premium feel of it. But I wanted to try more things in my journal, so later, I switched to this one, which has a significantly better paper quality.
  • Journal cover. I’m always asked about those, and I get my journal covers here. It’s kind of a high-end product, but the covers are amazing, and I love keeping my journals safe.
  • Fineliners. Perfect pens to doodle in your Bullet Journal, and I recommend these ones.
  • Markers, if you want your pages to be colorful. For my setup, I used, of course, my favorite ones.

These are some of the basic supplies, but I found some more things which are specific to the book theme:

  • Bookshelf stencil. This will speed up your setup process, and you can use it to create a cover page, a mood tracker, or just a book-tracking spread.
  • Reading stickers. Beautiful stickers with a girl reading and some bookish quotes. Perfect to create that cozy feel.
  • Book washi tape. This will create a nice and cozy feel on any page, not only for book-themed spreads.

Ok, with all the supplies ready, let’s get into planning.

September Bullet Journal Setup: Book Theme

I love reading, and I’m surprised I haven’t actually thought of this theme myself.

I also didn’t want to make it too complicated, so my idea was to add some tiny little details from some of my favorite books instead of doing full-on illustrations.

Let’s see how I did before we get to spreads from other creators.

Cover Page

I really felt like doing something small and simple, so I went for this little bookshelf doodle in the middle of the page.

Book Bullet Journal Theme Ideas And Inspirations - cover page | Masha Plans

It took me a while to figure out what I wanted with the lettering style, but eventually, I decided to go for these fun block letters.

It’s really easy to create those as well, as you’ll see in my Plan With Me video. Start by drawing the block letters in pen, and when coloring, just offset it a bit.

I love how it looks so fun and joyful, just like the books I had in mind when creating this theme.

Monthly Log

I managed to decorate it like crazy but also left enough space for all the things I need.

Book Bullet Journal Theme Ideas And Inspirations - monthly log | Masha Plans

Thanks to the smaller Nuuna grid, even that little space gives a lot of lines to write in, and usually, this is more or less enough for me.

Especially now in quarantine times when we are basically locked inside the house, there isn’t much to plan since all my plans had to be paused for the pandemic to be over first.

Oh, and I wonder if you notice the little easter eggs I added to this page. 

Can you guess what book series I hid here?

I’ll give you a tip – it’s not Harry Potter. But if you’re interested in that, check my post 43+ Harry Potter Bullet Journal Theme Inspirations.

Ok, you give up? Here’s the reveal!

It’s Sir Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series. These are some of my favorite books ever written. So much so that I’m sad every time I finish one more book because I’ll never be able to read it again for the first time.

It sounds weird, I know, but that’s just how I am. Discworld books are an amazing treasure I have, and I don’t want to spend it all at once; I use them little by little.

If you haven’t got the chance to read them, do yourself a favor and do so! They are truly beautiful, funny, and touching stories for all ages.

Mood Tracker and Habit Tracker

These go hand in hand lately, thankfully, because 30 books don’t occupy that much space, just half a page.

Book Bullet Journal Theme Ideas And Inspirations - mood tracker, habit tracker | Masha Plans

I added a few more callbacks on this spread as well. Really this theme makes me so happy both setting up and looking at the pages!

For the habit tracker, I didn’t do anything too creative – just a simple way to track my habits.

Gratitude Log

My favorite spread each month – is the gratitude log!

Book Bullet Journal Theme Ideas And Inspirations - gratitude log | Masha Plans

As I saw last month, I actually have space for more than just 30 lines on one page, so I decided to add some books at the bottom of the spread as well.

Together with Greebo, probably my favorite cat in the world!

Quote Spread

Sir Terry Pratchett is one of the smartest and wittiest men, so his work is full of amazing quotes, and I wanted to add one to my Bullet Journal.

Book Bullet Journal Theme Ideas And Inspirations - quote page | Masha Plans

The hard part was to figure out which one to add – there are so many, and the quotes from Discworld are always the funniest ones ever.

But alas, I decided to opt for a quote about books since that’s the theme here.

If you want to create quote pages in your BuJo, check my post How To Create Beautiful Quote Pages In Your Bullet Journal.

Weekly Spreads

Since the month is done, I’m here to share with you my September weekly spreads.

39 Brilliant Book Bullet Journal Theme Ideas And Inspirations - weekly log | Masha Plans

With my Nuuna journal being on a larger size, I barely ever need to do a two-page weekly spread.

Plus, it’s not like I actually had enough tasks to fill out two pages.

39 Brilliant Book Bullet Journal Theme Ideas And Inspirations - weekly log | Masha Plans

As you can see, this week, I didn’t even have separate boxes for my weekend.

Can you guess what book is referenced here?

39 Brilliant Book Bullet Journal Theme Ideas And Inspirations - weekly log | Masha Plans

I love that even when I use a horizontal format like that and theoretically shouldn’t have enough space for the daily tasks I actually do.

The secret is definitely in Nuuna, having a smaller size dot grid.

39 Brilliant Book Bullet Journal Theme Ideas And Inspirations - weekly log | Masha Plans

This is kind of an obscure reference, but if you get it – leave your guess in the comments!

Monthly Memory Page

One of my favorite pages to create each month is my monthly memory page. What I basically do here is gather all my brightest moments for the month.

39 Brilliant Book Bullet Journal Theme Ideas And Inspirations - monthly memory page | Masha Plans

Memory keeping is an amazing way to remember all the happy little moments of your life and just bring more joy to your every day.

If you ever feel like creating memory pages in your journal or the entire memory journal – check my post How To: Memory Keeping In Your Bullet Journal.

My monthly memory pages I usually create together with you on an Instargam Live, which usually also get saved on my IGTV. So be sure to follow me on Instagram, and let’s plan together next time.

Last month I actually recorded my memory page Plan With Me as a YouTube video, so be sure to check that out (and maybe give me a follow!! pretty please!)

Plan With Me

Finally, here is my Plan With Me.

Hope you enjoy this video as much as I enjoyed creating the setup.

Book Bullet Journal Theme Inspirations

This theme was probably the most difficult one to look for inspiration. But I’m relentless, so I still managed to find some amazing book-themed spreads.

After we take a look at these, I’ll share with you some book trackers; I bet they can inspire you, too, if you decide to go for a book theme.

Bullet Journal Book Tracker

Tracking your books is super fun and can be pretty useful.

With a book tracker, you will never forget all the amazing books you want to read. And secondly – it will keep you motivated to keep reading.

So here are some beautiful book trackers to get you started.

More Resources

These were some book-themed inspirations, but there is always more!

So if you’re a bookworm at heart, here are a few more posts I know you’ll love:

When creating book-related pages, you’ll probably need to doodle books! They are some of the easiest things to doodle, and here is a post you’ll find useful to help you with that:

Now you have it all to create the most stunning book pages!

Free Printable Book Tracker

Since we’re talking about books, I created a free printable book tracker for you.

You can find it in the Resources Vault in “Other Pages” section

If you don’t have access yet, be sure to join Planning Mashers and get access to this and tons of other printables.

Simply sign up for the newsletter in the form below.

What theme did you choose for September? Did you do a Back To School theme or something completely different?

Let us know in the comments!

Hope this post was interesting if you find it so, please share! If you enjoy my content and want to show your appreciation, please consider supporting me with a cup of coffee.

And remember: Keep Bullet Journaling, and Don’t Be A Blob.

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  1. Such a cute setup and I love the other layouts you included for inspiration as well! I am trying to read 12 books on personal development this year, and so far it’s not going very well, so this post is a great reminder that I need to read more lol. Thank you!
    – Pixie | Productive Pixie

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