Here at Masha Plans, I love helping you create your dream journal. One of the best ways to do that is to share with you my journey and what I have made in my Bullet Journal.

Looking at inspiration from other creators is the best way to find something that works for you or just gets that imagination to spark and see what something that you can actually do in your Bullet Journal.

I’ve been using my Bullet Journal since 2018, and these are all the Plan With Me posts that I’ve created, sharing the pages and themes I’ve used in my setups. I hope my journey will inspire you and help you build a perfect planning system for yourself.

Your Bullet Journal must reflect the way you are right now and help you with your current goals. So, just like you, your journal always changes and transforms.

That’s why I find it fascinating to see other people’s journeys and how they kept on adapting their BuJo to their changing needs.

But even more than that, I also love trying new things in my journal, be it some new theme ideas, interesting pages, or maybe just different pens and paper.

Whatever kind of inspiration you’re looking for, I’m sure these posts can help you with that!

Bullet Journal Plan With Me

I went through a lot of changes in my journey, and with these posts, I don’t just want to inspire you, but also show the reality behind it.

Sometimes, I created pages that I ended up not using, and that’s ok! Sometimes, I hated my pages, so I redid the whole monthly setup completely.

Sometimes, my idea worked, like using kraft paper in my Bullet journal, and sometimes, it didn’t, like using a blackout journal.

One year, I set up my Bullet Journal but barely used it, so eventually, it was just a to-do list without any organization.

I want to ensure I’m sharing all of this with you and that you see that Bullet Journaling is about using your journal, however it fits our current state, and not about creating a perfect artistic layout to show on social media.

So, let’s take a look and see the setups I’ve been creating. Let’s start chronologically.

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2018 Bullet Journal Setup

This was my first proper journal, and it was very nerve-wracking to use it, with it being so beautiful and perfect.

I used a Nuuna journal, which has a smaller grid and a bit larger size than a traditional A5 journal.

2019 Bullet Journal Setup

Since I started my notebook in Summer, I still had plenty of space to keep on using the same journal in 2019.

I know it’s very refreshing to start a new year with a new journal, but you really don’t have to. You just need to keep on planning; whether you’re using an old or new journal is not really important.

I did end up not doing any posts for my January and February setups that year.

Then it was time to move to a new journal, and I actually really like doing it in the middle of the year – for less stress and pressure.

2020 Bullet Journal Setup

This was quite a year! But it was also the time I used my journal the most; it was a faithful companion helping me to get over hard times.

It also means I was much more diligent with my Plan With Me posts!

It was also the time when I started a separate journal for blogging, so I have a few posts on my setups in that as well.

2021 Bullet Journal Setup

I started a new journal in 2021 with my December 2020 setup, but since it’s just one month, I did all the yearly pages immediately.

This was also when I started using a standard-size A5 journal, which was an interesting change. It was an Archer and Olive notebook, and you can get it 10% OFF with my code MASHA10.

By the end of July, I was out of pages, so I started a new journal, and this time it was a square notebook. It’s a whole new format, and I absolutely loved using it!

2022 Bullet Journal Setup

There was still plenty of space in my square journal, so I added a few yearly pages to signify a new year and then kept on using it.

By that time, my square journal was out of pages, and I decided to come back to an A5 Bullet Journal.

This is also where my journaling started to slack off, and my setups were so basic that I hadn’t even created posts for them. And now they are lost to time forever.

Well, more or less. You can still see those pages on my Instagram account, which I would really appreciate if you follow!

I planned on using this journal for longer, but once 2023 arrived, I felt like I wanted so much to start anew, so I dropped my A5 journal and went for a B5 notebook.

2023-2024 Bullet Journal Setup

I kept these two years together because this was a turbulent time for me, and I just used one journal.

I moved to another continent and then had another big move to a new city. Settling down both times in a new place, a new culture where I had no connections or friends.

All this was a lot, and I found myself not being that creative or even planning things properly.

I also was without any equipment for the longest time, so I couldn’t even take any pictures of my journal. But I can now, so here is the post with all the pages I used during that time and a look behind the curtain of my planning.

2025 Bullet Journal Setup

This is the year when I’m finally settled. At the end of 2024, I finally moved to the city and apartment of my dreams, and things started to calm down and get into routine.

I realized how much I missed Bullet Journaling and the structure and the creative outlet it brought me, so I’m back! Check out my 2025 setups.

If you want to see more Plan With Me videos and such, be sure to follow me on YouTube.

I’m always working on adding more theme inspirations, so don’t forget to bookmark this page.

If you find this resource useful, please be sure to share it.