
How To Find Time For Self Care: 7 Easy Techniques

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Hello Planning Mashers!

Today we are talking about self-care and, more importantly – how to find time for yourself.

I have here 7 easy ways you can always find time for some self-care.

Taking care of yourself is very important. However, I know that in the kind of fast-paced lives we lead, it can get pretty hard to find time for yourself. With all the obligations and to do’s, it’s easy to just forget that as a person, you need to take a bit of care of yourself as well.

That’s why I’ve decided to share my tips on how to find time for self-care even when you’re very busy. 

I don’t know about you guys, but where I live, November gets colder, days get shorter, and general apathy sets in. So I decided this would be the best month to start thinking more about self-care and ways to cheer yourself up!

I thought of the tricks I’m using to have time for self-care. Below you can check a few of them, and I’m sure they’ll help you as much as they help me.

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Make Self Care A Priority

First and foremost – you have to understand that self-care must be a priority. I wrote before a huge post on why you have to prioritize self-care, so I won’t go into details here.

I’m just going to remind you that if you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to help anyone else either. Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish; it just allows you to be at your best and bring more to the world.

If you’re having difficulties with this, just use your Bullet Journal to help, here are 23 Self Care Bullet Journal Pages to get you started.

Schedule Self Care

If you don’t plan, you’re planning to fail! Yes, I’m one of those people who know from experience that having no plan leads to failure (ok not always maybe, but pretty often!). So the best thing you can do to find time for self-care is to add it to your schedule.

It doesn’t have to be a 2-hour bath; you can always do something that would take just 15 minutes! But you have to have a time slot in your schedule for a little break just for yourself.

Self Care Bullet Journal Page Ideas - 15 minute self care | Masha Plans

Keep It Simple

As I mentioned before, your self-care doesn’t have to be elaborate and time-consuming. Quite the opposite, actually – if you don’t have much time, just go for something simple and fast. The important thing is that it’s something nice for you.

Here are some ideas for self-care on the go:

  • Listen to your favorite song
  • Do a face mask
  • Turn off the phone and just spend 15 minutes being present and feeling everything around you
  • Meditate
  • Paint your nails – this one always gives me a boost! Color on my nails = confidence boost
  • Blow yourself a kiss in a mirror
  • Come up with 5 things you’re grateful for
  • Treat yourself to a delicious smoothie

Cut Social Media Usage Time

This will allow you to have so much more time in your day, and not only for self-care. If you don’t believe me – try a time log experiment.

Create a table and for a week, write down what you’ve been doing even 30 minutes or every hour. Believe me; you’ll be so surprised how much time you’re losing on social media!

Try to approach it in a more organized way. Assign a certain time slot to check up on your social media accounts. Or maybe put yourself a limit on how much time per day you’ll be spending there. Just a little bit of control will help you free up a lot of time. 

Wake Up 15 Minutes Earlier

I don’t know about you, but for me, the morning is my time. The house is sleeping, and I can be all by myself doing something just for me.

Wake up 15 min earlier to have at least that much time to do something for yourself. This will definitely boost your mood and set you up for a great day!

How To Find Time For Self Care | Masha Plans

Ask For Help

This is really something I’ve been struggling with myself. But now that I figured it out – I can see its merits.

I bet a lot of you, just like me, are strong independent women who think we are all-powerful and can handle everything by ourselves. Even though it might be true, we don’t have to do it all alone.

If you’re too overwhelmed – just ask for help. If you overwork yourself, you won’t be of any use to yourself or to anyone else. So just ask for some help, get some time off and, take care of yourself, recharge the batteries.

Learn To Say No

No doubt, this is the hardest thing on this list for me. I never knew how to say no in a polite way, I’m still not sure if I sound too rough when I do.

But however hard it is, this is really something that has to be done. If you’re already super busy with your own things and don’t have any time for yourself, you just have to say no to the things you don’t really want to do.

This will allow you to have some rest and save some time for yourself. If you’re still feeling guilty and want to help your friend, now your batteries are recharged, and you can be much more helpful.

These 7 tips allow me to save some time here and there and take care of myself. How do you find time for self-care? I’d be very interested to know; please leave your experiences in the comments section below.

Hope this post was interesting. If you find it so, please share! If you enjoy my content and want to show your appreciation, please consider supporting me with a cup of coffee.

And remember: Keep Bullet Journaling, and Don’t Be A Blob.

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  1. You’re so right when you say for us to schedule self-care. Honestly, we all thin about creating to-do lists and setting time for projects, but in all honesty not many of us actually allow us the time for habitual self-care. we simply jump from one task to another. My favorite self care practice is a full beauty care at the star or at the end of the day. It’s so darn refreshing and rewarding and I never miss a day, even when I feel crammed.

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