Plan With Me: 2022 Bullet Journal Setup
It’s better late than never, I always say, so here it is, me finally sharing my 2022 Bullet Journal setup.
This is also my January 2022 setup, and I haven’t felt so inspired to create a theme for a while! The Bullet Journal theme I chose is “my favorite things”, something positive to start the year.
Yes, I’m aware that it’s already January 5th. But with the end of December being all about finishing and launching my creativity course (check it out HERE), I barely had the time to do my setup.
But yesterday, I finally caught a break, filmed Plan With Me, and now happily am back to planning in my Bullet Journal.
A little disclaimer here, though, I didn’t actually start a new journal.
I always find that end of the year is generally a busy and stressful time, so I try not to start a new journal. I kind of use my journals until they run out of pages and then start a new one, disregarding what month it is.
This journal, for example, I started in August 2021.
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2022 Bullet Journal Setup
Even though I didn’t start a new journal, I still created several yearly pages.
I wanted to have some kind of thing to divide the 2022 year from my previous pages.
Yearly Cover Page
I started by creating a cover page with 2022 numbers.
I’ve been a bit obsessed with the black and gold combination lately, so you’ll see a lot of that in the upcoming pages.
Technically, I started by creating a yearly memory page for 2021, but it is full of personal stuff, so I won’t be sharing it here.
Year At A Glance
I have a small future log at the beginning of the journal until March this year, but I wanted to have a 2022 year one page.
Now that I’m thinking about it, I probably should’ve actually created a future log because it looks like this journal will last me longer than March 2022.
Eh, well, by the time I get to March, I’ll just make sure I’ll leave some space for a future log for the upcoming few months.
Word Of The Year
The word of the year I chose in August was “cultivate,” and it fit me at that time.
Now, however, a lot of things changed. So I thought changing the word might be a good idea.
My word for 2022 is “strong”.
With many changes coming my way this year, I feel like strong is the right word.
Under the word, I added several definitions that fit what strong means to me.
There is space on the top, and this is for me to write more about the situations I’ll have in life when I need to be strong.
That’s all for my yearly pages since others, like my goals and vision board I already created in August. Time to talk about January setup.
January 2022 Bullet Journal Setup
I’ve been struggling a bit with time and creativity for a very long time.
But for January, I got an idea, and it just got me so excited!
My theme for January is “finding happiness”. So basically, I will fill each page with something that makes me happy.
Cover Page
For my cover page, I went with a negative letter collage.
This is a technique I love to use, and it’s actually a lesson in my creativity course, “Journal Glow Up”.
This cover page kind of represents all the things that make me happy; you’ll see more of these doodles on my other pages.
I wonder what some things that make you happy are? Let me know in the comments.
I also added a quote since I had some space.
2022 scares me; to be honest, some drastic changes are coming.
But it’s also empowering because I know it’s up to me to make it a good year.
Monthly Log
My monthly log is in the same format as in December.
And I’m starting the month of things that make me happy with Animal Crossing.
I haven’t played in months, but a few weeks ago, I started playing again, and I must say – it brings me a lot of positivity.
It’s fun and an excellent way to unplug.
So hey, if you want to be ACNH friends and visit my island, just let me know!
Doodling Club
On our Patreon, we’re having a monthly doodling challenge, and this page is for that.
There are prompts for each day, and the topic for this month is also “things that make me happy”.
If you want to join our Patreon family with tons of different rewards, you can check it HERE.
I’d love to see you among our Patreon friends.
Habit Tracker and Mood Tracker
The next page is my trackers; I went for the same format with both my trackers on one page.
I love the horizontal format of habit trackers, and that’s so great that with this notebook size, I can actually do it.
As you can see, the topic for this page is stationery.
Stationery and Bullet Journaling are definitely something that makes me happy.
Sitting down to doodle something or create a journal page just for myself – it’s a great way for me to unplug.
Gratitude Log
I must say I’m loving how the gratitude log from December worked for me, so again, I’m going with the same format.
The page will be filled with different words in different styles, maybe some doodles. I’d like for it to be a bit chaotic.
The theme for this spread is books.
I started reading more lately, and it brings me so much pleasure.
I’m just finishing the first book of the Dune series, and I must say it’s incredible.
I haven’t read any fiction for a long time, and it’s amazing how a book can bring you to a whole new world.
Plan With Me
Of course, I never leave you without a Plan With Me video, so here is mine.
I wonder if you’ll notice a bunch of mistakes I made in my year at a glance spread.
So that’s about it for my January setup. What theme did you choose to start your year?
Hope this list was useful. If you find it so, please share! If you enjoy my content and want to show your appreciation, please consider supporting me with a cup of coffee.
And remember: Keep Bullet Journaling, and Don’t be a blob!