
13 Best Journaling Supplies for Bullet Journal Lovers

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Bullet Journal supplies are the secret sauce to a great BuJo experience. I know, I know — with the sheer number of options out there, it’s like being a kid let loose in a stationery shop! One moment, you’re eyeing those pastel highlighters; the next, you’re wondering if you need another set of washi tapes (spoiler alert: you always do).

It’s a whirlwind, and it can get pretty overwhelming, especially if you’re just starting out. But hey, that’s what I’m here for!

I’ve braved the labyrinth of journaling supplies and emerged victorious, clutching the 13 best ones that will make your Bullet Journal journey an absolute dream.

So buckle up because we’re about to delve into the wonderful world of the best journaling supplies you’ll absolutely love!

Navigating the stationery world can be like trying to find your way out of a labyrinth. Trust me, I’ve been there! You see those shimmering markers, that leather-bound notebook, or that set of washi tapes with the cutest designs, and before you know it, you’ve got a cart full of items, and your wallet is begging for mercy.

But once the initial excitement wears off, you realize half of them are gathering dust because they’re either not as good as you thought, don’t fit your style, or simply aren’t practical.

Oh, the number of times I’ve fallen for a fancy pen only to find it bleeds through my pages or bought an expensive notebook that fell apart after a week! And don’t get me started on the stickers that promised to stick but ended up in a sad pile at the bottom of my drawer. You could say I’ve made my fair share of Bullet Journal blunders!

That’s why I’m here, sharing my experiences and lessons learned so you can avoid the same pitfalls. I want you to spend your hard-earned money on the best journaling supplies that you’ll enjoy using every day, which will elevate your BuJo game and transform your Bullet Journal into something truly special.

And before we dive into my list, be sure to scroll until the end to get your FREE Ultimate Guide To Bullet Journal Supplies.

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Best Journaling Supplies for Bullet Journal Lovers

There are so many amazing supplies out there that this post can go on for ages. And if you do want some more recommendations, you can check the resources at the end of this post.

But I want to keep this list easy and not get too overwhelming, so we'll stick to 13 items.

You'll also notice that I don't mention any notebooks here. It's hard to name just one brand as the best journal because we all have different requirements for the notebooks we want to use. So check the end of the post for more information if you're looking for journal recommendations.

With that out of the way, let's dive in!

Free Guide To Bullet Journal Supplies

This list is really just scratching the surface, so I’ve created a FREE Ultimate Guide To Bullet Journal Supplies to help you with more details and recommendations on all types of Bullet Journal supplies.

Sign up in the form below, and once you confirm your subscription, the Ultimate Guide To Bullet Journal Supplies will be on the way to your inbox.

More Resources

There is always more to talk about when it comes to stationery, and thankfully, I’ve got plenty more recommendations.

Check out these posts next:

>>> What are your favorite supplies to use in your Bullet Journal? Let us know in the comments.

Hope this post was interesting. If you find it so, please share! If you enjoy my content and want to show your appreciation, please consider supporting me with a cup of coffee.

And remember: Keep Bullet Journaling, and Don’t Be A Blob!

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