
Bullet Journal Monthly Log And How To Use It

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Today we talk about another basic Bullet Journal page idea – a monthly log.

If you’re like me, when you first started out bujo-ing, you probably weren’t sure where to begin. Luckily, there is so much creative potential with a Bullet Journal and one of those tools that helps maximize your productivity is a monthly log.

A monthly log keeps track of events throughout the month in one place for easy reference. In this blog post, I’m going to discuss some ideas on setting up your own monthly log and give you plenty of tips on how to use it effectively.

Finally, in my series on Bullet Journaling for beginners, we got to a monthly log.

A monthly log is a place to create a bird’s eye view of whatever is happening with your month. But of course, as with everything in your Bullet Journal, it’s totally customizable and can serve you in any way you need.

Let’s look into some options and concepts and then check inspirations from amazing creators on Instagram to give you ideas for your own monthly log.

Be sure to check some more post recommendations at the end of the post, as well as get some freebies.

What Is A Bullet Journal Monthly Spread

A monthly log is basically a page where you organize your month. Mind-blowing uh?

Keep in mind this isn’t a place to write all your monthly tasks (for that you’ll have a monthly to-do list).

No, this is the place where you write down important appointments, deadlines, and other plans, so you can get, at a glance, how your month feels.

Calendar monthly log in my August 2022 Bullet Journal setup - Masha Plans

A monthly log usually comes together with a monthly to-do list, which is a list of all the tasks you have this month.

I’m telling you people, I’m sharing earth-shattering concepts here with you!

Just, remember not to be too detailed: it’s not a place where you should be writing “remember to do the dishes on Monday”.

What To Write In Your Monthly Log

Ok, let’s get to business! First, you have to check with your future log to see if you already have anything big planned for this month. The rest you fill out during the month as new appointments arise.

What you write in your monthly log will definitely depens on your liofestyle, your Bullet Journal goals and general things you actually need to write down.

So take the ideas below more like inspirations to get your imagination flowing and pick somehting that you need to add to your monthly spreads.

Here are a few ideas on what you can write in your monthly log:

  • Doctor visits
  • Friend’s meetups
  • Deadlines
  • Payday
  • Bills
  • Birthdays
Monthly log in my September Bullet Journal setup | Masha Plans

As for your monthly to-do list, make sure you analyzed your last month and see if there are any tasks you didn’t complete and need to migrate them into this month. 

What To Use With Your Bullet Journal Monthly Log

As I mentioned before, your monthly log usually comes together with a monthly to-do list.

But always remember, that your journal means you’re the one who decided how to set things up and how to manage it all. I can just give you a few ideas and direct you so you find the perfect way that works for you.

Depending on how you set it up, there are a few more options on what you can add to this spread.

  • Habit tracker
  • Monthly goals
  • Best of
  • Notes
  • Next month
Processed with VSCO with s1 preset

How To Set Up A Monthly Log

I bet you saw plenty of cool monthly setups on Pinterest and Instagram. How can you pick the perfect one for you? My answer is to just try out all of them, of course!

That’s definitely what I did, and I finally figured out what works best for me. I’m not joking! I tried ALL of them!

How did I accomplish this huge task, you might ask? Simple! The secret is… that there are only around 5 setups, basically. Here, let me briefly summarize them for you.

Classic Vertical Format

Following the original Bullet Journal setup, you just write all the dates and days of the week in one column. To add variety here, you can highlight the weekend days in different colors to be able to find them at first glance.

You can also put this column in the middle, so you can divide your appointments by personal on one side and work-related on the other.

Bullet Journal Monthly Log | Masha Plans

This is probably the easiest way to set up your monthly log, and I find it really stylish looking. Plus it takes only one page, so on the neighboring one, you can add your to-do list.

However, I myself am quite old-fashioned, and I just really need a calendar view.

To sum up.


  • It’s really simple and easy to set up, great for beginners
  • You only need a black pen
  • You get a whole line to write your appointments per day


  • There isn’t much space to be creative
  • This style of calendar is not really intuitive
  • It’s not very convenient if you have a lot of things happening in one day

Calendar Format

This is a standard format, and you can’t go wrong with it.

That’s the one you’ll see the most because it’s more intuitive.

This format is pretty useful, especially if you have a lot going on and need space to add things to your monthly log.

However, it doesn’t allow for much space for any other spreads you want to have together with it


  • The grid is the most intuitive one
  • There is plenty of space for people with busy schedules
  • There is enough space to style the spread according to your monthly theme


  • There isn’t much space for anything extra
  • Might be a waste of pages if you’re not too busy
  • It’s not that easy to set up because you’ll need to calculate the table extending on two pages, always an issue for me

Personally, I don’t like big calendars because I don’t usually have as many appointments or deadlines as other people, so it’s kind of a waste. I really needed to have something that could tell me what important meetings or appointments I had for that month at a simple glance, without having to look for them for long.

So I went for a little bit of a modified format – a condensed calendar.

If you’re a fan of calendar view but two pages is a little too much – this might be the perfect option for you. Confidence your calendar to a one-page one and get tons of space to add anything else you need on your monthly log.

Plan With Me - Floral Bullet Journal Setup, Monthly Log | Masha Plans

If your appointment schedule is as empty as mine usually is, maybe just add a tiny little calendar at the top of your page and use the rest for other sections of decorations and quotes.

27 Coffee Bullet Journal Theme Inspirations & My November Plan With Me, Monthly Spread | Masha Plans

To sum up, here are the pros and cons of using this format.


  • Easier to set up
  • Gives a lot of space for other elements
  • Still, have a calendar view of the month


  • Not enough space for appointments
  • Not that easy of an at a glance look

Vertical Calendar

One more thing you can do with a calendar format in your monthly log is to create it vertically, where the week goes from top to bottom, not from right to left.

Or when you need to turn your whole planner vertically to see the calendar.

Bullet Journal Monthly Log | Masha Plans
Credit: @indasbujo

I’m not a big fan of this format, but it definitely has its own advantages.


  • The calendar is a whole page so enough space to write all appointments
  • There is still a whole page to create any extra sections you need


  • Can be pretty confusing, since the format isn’t intuitive
  • You might need to move the journal to see it

Dutch Door Monthly Log

If you need a bigger monthly log, but you want to still have a lot of sections in it, this option might be perfect for you.

By creating a dutch door, you allow for extra space, with you can use to add a vertical habit tracker, goals, or maybe just a notes section – whatever you’ve been missing.

Bullet Journal Monthly Log | Masha Plans
Credit: @bulletby_r

Just one tip – when you plan your dutch door, have a thought on what you want to put there since as you open and close the dutch door, it will cover some things. So if you want to be able to see your calendar and a monthly to-do list at a glance, make sure to put the to-do list outside the cut-out page.


  • Creative design
  • Allows for extra space to add sections you need
  • The calendar has enough space for all your appointments


  • You have to cut your journal (it’s not that scary though!)
  • You can’t see all information at a glance since a part will always be covered by the cutout page

Circle Format

I love this one, even though I haven’t really used it that often. First of all, It looks adorable! But if you want to do a circle calendar, definitely make sure you have this circle ruler.

I tried to make a circle habit tracker without one, and I failed miserably. 

Credit: @bumblebujo

The disadvantage of this format would probably be the fact that you can’t really divide your tasks by work and personal life like with the vertical format (but then again you can’t do it in calendar view either! So, in the end, it’s entirely up to you).

To sum up.


  • Looks cute
  • You have more space for your daily appointments
  • Can be a two-page log but still have space for other elements, like a to-do list or goals


  • The hardest to set up
  • Not very intuitive

How To Pick Your Perfect Bullet Jourinal Monthly Log Format

There are so many ways to create a monthly log! And as you’ve learned by now, each format has it’s own pros and cons.

So how do you choose the right one for you?

The truth is – by trial and error. Pick one that seems the best for you, try it out and if it works it works, if not, maybe it’s time to tweak things a bit.

Baking Themed Bullet Journal Setup - monthly log | Masha Plans

There are, of course, some tricks I can share with you:

  • Look back at your previous monthly logs and take note of what formats worked well for you. For example, if you found that a vertical layout helped you visualize your tasks better, consider using that format again in the future.
  • Identify areas for improvement: Review your past monthly logs and identify areas where you struggled or felt like you could improve. For example, if you found that your daily tasks were cluttered and difficult to read, consider using a more minimalist format in the future.
  • Think about what you want to accomplish in the upcoming month and choose a format that will help you achieve those goals. For example, if you are focused on self-care, consider using a monthly log format that includes spaces for tracking habits or moods.
  • Don’t be afraid to try new monthly log formats! Use your past monthly logs as a reference point but be willing to experiment with new styles to find what works best for you.
  • Consider your lifestyle and how a certain monthly log format would fit into your routine. For example, if you have a busy schedule, a minimalist format may work better for you than a more detailed one.
  • While it can be tempting to include elaborate designs and details in your monthly log, try to keep it simple and easy to read. A cluttered or confusing layout may actually hinder your productivity rather than enhance it.

These simple tips will help you tune your monthly log and make sure you get everything you need from it.

This post may contain affiliate links. They will be of no extra expense for you, but I receive a small credit. Please see my Disclosure for more details. Thank you for supporting Masha Plans!

Stationery For Creating Bullet Journal Monthly Spread

What supplies do you need to create a monthly log? Well, anything you already have will work.

But, of course, there are some extra things that can help you out, and here are my recommendations:

  • Sakura Pigma Micron -you’ll need a good fineliner for all the Bullet Journal pages, and these are amazing and absolutely worth it.
  • Crayola Super Tip – something to add color to your pages; these markers are affordable and come in so many colors.
  • Helix Circle Maker – a great tool for creating circle elements in your journal, including a circle monthly log.
  • Bullet Journal Stencils – this set of stencils isn’t just super high quality; it also allows you easily create tons of different spreads and elements in no time, including a monthly log.
  • Monthly Calendar Stencil – a fabulous stencil to help you easily create a calendar-type monthly log without spending all the time counting the dimensions.

Free Course: Bullet Journal For Beginners

If you’re here reading about one of the basic Bullet Journal pages, chances are you’re a beginner and looking to start your journal.

Specifically to help you with that, I’ve created a free course that will help you start your new Bullet Journal today!

Simply sign up in the form below and once you confirm your subscription you’ll get all the information to get started.

More Resources

Finaly, there are many more posts out there to help you out.

Check out these next:

What format do you prefer in your monthly log? Which one do you want to try?

Share your opinions in the comments section below.

Hope this post was interesting; if you find it so, please share! If you enjoy my content and want to show your appreciation, please consider supporting me with a cup of coffee.

And remember: Keep Bullet Journaling, and Don’t Be A Blob!

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