
Firefly Bullet Journal Theme Inspirations

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Time for one more Plan With Me post with tons of Bullet Journal theme inspirations.

This time we’re doing a perfect theme for Summer – fireflies.

For this month, you guys on Instagram chose me to give a try to firefly theme. So today I’ll be sharing with you my August setup, as well as inspirations from other creators who gave a try to this theme in their Bullet Journals.

In case you’re new here – every month I ask my Instagram followers to choose what theme they would like me to create in my Bullet Journal next, so if you want to be a part of these decisions – be sure to follow me on Instagram!

Psss, for more summer theme ideas for your Bullet Journal, check out my post: Bullet Journal Theme Ideas To Try This Summer.

There is also a Plan With Me video at the end of the post, so be sure to scroll down and give it a look!

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August 2020 Bullet Journal Setup

My Instagram followers really pushed me out of the box with this theme, and for me it was not the easiest to create.

But I think ultimately it came out pretty fun!

And remember to scroll until the end so you can see Firefly theme inspirations from other creators.


First, of course, a quick rundown of my supplies. 

They actually don’t change much from month to month, it’s always my Nuuna notebook in my favorite cover, Faber Castell Pitt Artist pens, and Zebra Mildliners.

But I thought I’d also share here some other cool supplies you can use for the firefly theme.

I feel like a great idea would be to use a gold gel pen to draw the fireflies. It will give an extra sparkle to your pages.

If you’re into watercolor, you might want to give a try to gold watercolor paints by Kuretake. I have a set myself, and they look stunning! Will be amazing for this theme.

Kuretake GANSAI TAMBI STARRY COLORS, 6 colors set, Watercolor paint for Professional, for artists and crafters,Illustrations, Drawing, Lettering, Made in Japan
  • [6 Colors] Golden pearl-tinted Gansai for professional artists and crafters.
  • Ideal for calligraphy, illustrations, brush lettering and more!
  • With excellent opaqueness, the deep colors embellish the paper and stand out boldly.

If you need some help drawing, MoxieDori has an awesome stencil for this theme – a jar! The best part is that it’s also multifunctional – you can use this jar for fireflies, or for cooking spreads, or maybe for a savings tracker.

Cover Page

This is usually where I talk about my take on this theme.

Fireflies Bullet Journal Theme Inspirations - cover page | Masha Plans

Fireflies in jars are classic, but I really felt like I wanted to add a bit of a special twist to this theme.

I started thinking – fireflies, nighttime, the moon, flowers, mystique, crystals. So I decided to recreate a mystic magical atmosphere that came to my mind with this theme.

That way I can also add other elements, like stars, moon, crystals, and of course – flowers. It came out pretty nicely if you ask me, I hope you’ll enjoy these pages as well.

Monthly Log

This looks pretty convoluted, but I did have a lot of things I wanted to include this month.

Fireflies Bullet Journal Theme Inspirations - monthly log | Masha Plans

July has spent getting things together and preparing, but August is the month to apply all my productivity techniques and preparations and start getting more shit done!

That’s why in this monthly log, you see some new things, such as the main focus area next to my to-do list.

It’s time to play catch up for all the time I lost while being in quarantine in the USA and get on track with all the projects I wanted to complete this year. 

My main focus for August is a secret so far, but I’m sure you’ll like it.


Before you decide to leave me a mean comment (please don’t! I have a very gentle heart) – I know I lost “a” in my header somehow.

Fireflies Bullet Journal Theme Inspirations - habit tracker, mood tracker | Masha Plans

This really is just another day for my BuJo, I miss letters or misspell them all the time. When you draw instead of writing letters it’s easy to get distracted and miss it. And I didn’t even notice the missing “a” until I sat down to edit the photos.

I really loved the way I did my trackers in my Space Themed Bullet Journal Setup, so I decided to keep both trackers on one spread once again.

Gratitude Log

The gratitude log is pretty much always in my journal in one way or another.

Fireflies Bullet Journal Theme Inspirations - gratitude log | Masha Plans

For August, I decided to go with one line a day. Even though I do prefer the way the doodly gratitude log works, I realize that it’s easier to do it in writing. 

Plus in a way it’s more impactful – when you write your feelings out, you tend to put more meaning to it.

Productivity Spread

A pretty unusual spread for the month, but hopefully, it will be of great use!

Fireflies Bullet Journal Theme Inspirations - productivity spread | Masha Plans

As I mentioned before, July is my time to prepare everything to be my most productive in August. This spread is just another step towards it.

I want to work on how to improve my weeklies to make myself more productive.

I need to be concentrated on my work more, procrastinate less, and check how else I can bring myself to better performance.

This spread has a few ideas on how my weeklies can help me with that, and I added a results section so by the end of the month I can analyze my efforts and see if it worked and if it needs any more modifications.

Weekly Spreads

Here are my weekly spreads for August. Ever since I started using one page weekly spreads in July, I really can’t stop.

For my Nuuna journal, they are completely perfect, since their spreads are a bit larger and seem to b absolutely enough for all my weekly tasks.

Firefly Bullet Journal Theme Inspirations - weekly spread | Masha Plans
Firefly Bullet Journal Theme Inspirations - weekly spread | Masha Plans
Firefly Bullet Journal Theme Inspirations - weekly spread | Masha Plans

Memory Page

As always, here is my favorite page ever month – the monthly memory page.

Firefly Bullet Journal Theme Inspirations - weekly  | Masha Plans

These pages are my favorites to create each month, and if you want to learn how to create yours, check my post How To: Memory Keeping In Your Bullet Journal.

I usually create memory pages as a Live on my Instagram and save it to my IGTV, so be sure to follow me on Instagram, and let’s plan the memory page together for the next month.

But! For August, I decided to record my August memory page PWM as a YouTube video, so you can take a look below.

I would also appreciate it if you subscribe to my YouTube as well; I do my best to create fun weekly videos for you.

Firefly Bullet Journal Theme Inspirations

Finally, check out these stunning firefly-themed Bullet Journal spreads from tons of amazing artists.

I think this is more like just a filler page, or maybe a quote page. But it looks stunning, and I wanted to include it in this post.

I really love how the creator played with different shades of yellow and really made it look like it was shining.

This is a fun weekly spread that has enough space to plan out every day.

As for the theme, I love how the author drew the bottles. You clearly see how they are there and yet very transparent.

Fireflies Bullet Journal Theme Inspirations - cover page by @moxiedori | Masha Plans
Credit: @moxiedori

This is such a cute cover page and I love the mason jar drawing.

I’m also loving the little quote on the left. It’s always such a fun way to set the mood for the month.

Firefly Bullet Journal Theme Inspirations - cover page by @ohkaysay | Masha Plans
Credit: @ohkaysay

I love this fun take on combining the firefly theme with lightbulbs. There is a lot you can do with it and it matches pretty well.

I especially love that she used all those different yellow pens. This theme is really great to pull out all types of yellow pens from your collection.

I love this weekly spread, it’s absolutely stunning, and the colors remind me of the Starry Night painting.

I feel like this might not be very practical weekly because there isn’t much space to plan. But maybe if you have a chill week and want to be extra creative this might be a perfect idea for you.

I love how neat and clean this monthly log looks.

It’s also really fun that the creator added this little quote at the bottom and made some words stand out so much.

Both these trackers seem pretty simple, but they are definitely very functional and look amazing.

Also is it just me who’s obsessed with the beautiful handwriting on these pages?

This cover page looks pretty minimalistic, but I love the contrast it has with black and yellow.

Also isn’t it interesting how this theme seems to be most popular for the summer months?

This idea also might work very well for a mood tracker.

This also has the presence of the blue color which I love so much. It contrasts so well with the yellow fireflies!

This spread looks very beautiful, but I must say I do miss some color here.

I’d be excited to see this tracker filled out with all those colors assigned in the mood tracker.

It took me a while to see those tiny fireflies, but I still definitely adore this cover page. The contrast between black and gold is incredibly beautiful.

The quote is also so meaningful and definitely is very beautifully done.

I really like the doodly look of this weekly spread.

I love how well-organized this spread is and how much you can actually fit on this one.

Such a beautiful mood tracker and I wish I could see it completely filled.

I love the idea of adding moods with different shapes of fireflies, it also makes it easier to create it, because you won’t need to doodle them all right away, just one a day.

Fireflies Bullet Journal Theme Inspirations - weekly spread by @bujo_of_ryo | Masha Plans
Credit: @bujo_of_ryo

What a fantastic weekly spread! The contrast with the black paper really looks stunning.

Also, I think this one is inspired by one of the studio Ghibli movies. If you want more, check my post Ghibli Bullet Journal Theme Inspirations.

Fireflies Bullet Journal Theme Inspirations - tracker by @bujobycindy | Masha Plans
Credit: @bujobycindy

Such a clean-looking and organized Instagram tracker! I love it.

And it’s fun to see a spread created in an unusual format like this one.

I myself am not really good with watercolors, but looking at this page, it seems like watercolors are perfect for this theme.

And if you want to learn watercolors, try out some of the Foxsy courses. You can read my Foxsy review if you want to learn more about the platform.

The swirl of blue with the fireflies looks amazing, it adds so much movement to the page.

And I’m loving this effect of the wings being in different shades of blue.

Such a simple idea to decorate your weekly spread – just some doodly mason jars with fireflies inside them.

I also love these cute little messages on the jars on the top.

Mason jars really seem like a popular thing to include in this theme, but I can see why – they look stunning!

I also like this lettering effect for June outlining the month.

Beautiful monthly log and I love the idea of having the background in watercolor. It’s definitely an easier way to cover such a wide area.

The only thing I miss in this page is probably the yellow color for the fireflies.

I absolutely adore the header used here, it’s such a perfect way to decorate your page.

Plan With Me

Oh and of course how could I forget to share with you my Plan With Me video.

It’s been a while since I filmed a PWM YouTube video, and I must say it felt pretty sweet to be back at it. Hope you enjoy watching it!

Have you ever tried firefly in your Bullet Journal? 

What theme are you choosing for next month?

Let us know in the comments.

Hope this post was interesting. If you find it so, please share! If you enjoy my content and want to show your appreciation, please consider supporting me with a cup of coffee.

And remember: Keep Bullet Journaling, and Don’t Be A Blob.

Sharing is caring!

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