65 Gorgeous Bullet Journal Weekly Spreads To Try Right Now
Today we will be talking a bit more about some of the most useful Bullet Journal pages – weekly spreads
You’ll also find here tons of inspiration on how to add fun and variety to your Bullet Journal weekly spreads since we have to create so many of them every year.

Even though weekly spreads are not part of the original Bullet Journal system, they became essential very fast in the community.
The beauty of the Bullet Journal system is that you can use it any way you want and customize it to your needs. There is no right or wrong way to journal, just your way. So if you feel like using weekly spreads – don’t obsess by the fact that Ryder Carroll doesn’t use them; you do you!
Weekly spreads as you can guess are something you set up every week to plan your day-to-day stuff.
I’ve been Bullet Journaling since 2018, and I must say even though they are an amazing tool to stay organized – it can get pretty difficult after setting up weeklies for so long to come up with something new and interesting looking.

Let me clarify – if you find one kind of spread that works for you, stick with it. You don’t have to keep changing and experimenting if you already have something that is perfect for your needs.
However, first of all – our life changes, and well sometimes weekly spreads have to change with it. Some weeks I know I’m busy so I make it pretty simple and leave a lot of space for my daily tasks.
Some weeks I don’t really have much to do, so I can work more on other things, and I might add a sleep tracker or a meal planner to my weekly instead.
Secondly – I really like to make my Bullet Journal fun. I want it to bring me joy when I open it and I love to use it as a creative escape. So I always try new things – decorate with different colors, with different doodles, and such.

This post is to help both you and me. Here I’ll talk about all things weekly spreads, but most importantly we will walk through different ways to set up your weeklies, and different ways to decorate them and of course, I’ll be adding a lot of weekly spreads from different creators to draw inspiration from.
Ok, let’s dive in!
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What Is A Weekly Spread
Did I just confuse you with my huge opening statement? I didn’t mean to. Let me clarify everything.
First of all, if you’re here for the first time and not sure what the Bullet Journal system is, to begin with – check my detailed guide What Is A Bullet Journal? Beginner’s Guide To Bullet Journaling.
This guide will explain to you EVERYTHING Bullet Journal related, and you can come back to this post later.
If you’re already familiar with the system, let’s go back to talking about weekly logs.

A weekly spread is a spread in your Bullet Journal where you plan your week. There are so SO many things you can add to your weekly, but the basis is always the same – you have boxes for each day of the week to write your tasks and usually a to-do list to write the tasks you haven’t assigned to certain days yet.
Unlike a monthly spread where you plan out events for your month and have a huge to-do list, weekly spreads allow you to micro-plan day by day.
Another advantage of a weekly spread is that you get an overview of the entire week, so it’s usually easier to plan your days and schedule tasks more evenly throughout the week.
Check my post Bullet Journal Weekly Spread Types to learn more about ways to set up your weekly.
Before we get into different weekly spread designs, here are a few ideas on what you can add to your weekly spreads.
What To Add To Weekly Spread
The weekly spread is like a Lego castle, you really can add there anything you want and need.
I know it can get pretty confusing when you can do anything you want, so here are a few ideas to get you started:
- Daily boxes
- Weekly to-do list
- To-do next week
- Meal plan
- Habit tracker
- Sleep tracker
- Study tracker
- Daily gratitude
- Weather tracker
- Favorite moments
- Self-care checklist
- House chores list
Basically, anything you can think of can be added to your weekly spread, just think of what you might need and add it.
Ok, Let’s get into the most fun part – Bullet Journal weekly spread inspirations.
Colorful Weekly Spreads
My first list had to be colorful weeklies. I love these, color always adds more fun and excitement for me.
Also, it’s always a fun way to add a theme to your month – just use the same colors on all your spreads and there you go – the monthly theme is done!
For supplies to create these weekly spreads feel free to use any colorful markers you have. My favorites are Zebra Mildliners and Tombow Dual Brush pens.
Zebra Mildliners have just the prettiest colors and Tombow Dual Brush Pens have such an incredible amount of colors available that you’re bound to find something you’ll love.
For a more budget version you should definitely try Crayola Super Tips, they also have tons of great colors and can be used for not just coloring, but also brush lettering. Double win!
When we say colorful spreads there are a few ways to go about it. First, you can simply decorate your spreads with colors and maybe some pretty fonts, just like these pages below. Another way to create colorful pages is by adding colorful doodles.
In case you’re not a master doodler and aren’t sure if you can do it – believe me, you can! Simply check my post Learn To Doodle: Beginner’s Guide To Bullet Journal Doodles.

I love how this spread has beautiful muted colors, so it’s still colorful but they don’t steal your attention right away.
If you like this spread, be sure to check my post Book Bullet Journal Theme Inspirations.

Nicole is always so creative with her pages.
I think it’s extra fun how each daily box is absolutely different, and yet they are all in the same theme.

Using brush pens as watercolor is a neat trick and it definitely makes your markers much more functional.
I’m also loving how much the colors here contrast with the black of the headers and daily boxes.

Love this spread and the style. Especially little details like the washi tape she drew herself.
Animal Crossing is the cutest game ever, so if you want to bring the game to your BuJo pages check my post Animal Crossing Bullet Journal Theme Inspirations.

It’s a beautiful spread and I love all the different types of green.
Another cool trick is that this weekly spread is a dutch door, that way there is a lot of space for daily boxes, but also extra space for study notes and whatever else is hiding on the other side.

Hayley always has such a well-structured and organized weekly spread, and this one with time blocking is no exception.
I’m loving the bright colors; it definitely made the tasks a little bit less daunting and scary.

A great inspiration for a one-page weekly spread. The lettering here is really stunning!
And I love the quote on the left, plus a little example in small letters, don’t miss out on that little detail.

This is not exactly a weekly spread, it seems like this is more like a weekly journaling page.
But it’s so happy and so full of color, I had to include it here. Plus you can always just add a to-do list instead of journaling and it will work perfectly as a weekly spread.

I love how every dwarf has his own color and that the colors are so very bright.
For more ideas be sure to check my post Magical Disney Bullet Journal Inspirations.

So much color in this one!
I think it’s a risky idea to fill out the entire background with color, but I think it worked so well on this one.

What a cute idea to bring a puppy to the Bullet Journal pages.
I actually did the same in my April 2021 Bullet Journal setup, which was a month after I adopted baby Bruce.

Red is not usually my color, but here it looks so absolutely stunning.
I think I really love that red here is used as an accent and not the overwhelming main color.
Minimalist Weekly Spreads
The minimalist Bullet Journal style is gorgeous. As you guessed from the name it means that every spread is stripped to essentials and has almost no decorations and any extra flourishes. Less is more.
If you want to learn more about this Bullet Journal style check my post Simple But Stunning Minimalist Bullet Journal Inspirations.
Just like with the design, minimalist spreads usually require just a notebook and a pen.
Pretty much any pen would work, but I’d recommend getting a good set of fineliners, such as Sakura Pigma Microns or Faber Castell Pitt Artist Pens. Getting a Tombow Fude brush pen can be also great since it will allow you to add some brush lettering to your weekly spreads.

This spread looks amazing, I think especially because it’s black and white.
For minimalist spreads like these, I always feel like the best decoration is handwriting. if you’re working on yours, be sure to check my post 9 Simple Tricks To Improve Your Handwriting.

Very easy and fast weekly spread to create, especially if you have a grid spacing guide.
If you don’t, be sure to check my post on Everything You Need To Know About Bullet Journal Gruid Guide.

There is so much beauty in simplicity, these pages definitely make me want to try minimalist style myself.
I also feel like if you want to go minimalist using stamps or stencils can really help.

It’s amazing how simple accents can add so much to the page.
For anything metallic, my go-to are definitely metallic acrylograph pens, and if you wanna get them you can save 10% with code MASHA10.

Isn’t handwriting on this page absolutely stunning?
And a splash of grey instead of black also looks amazing, I’d definitely recommend this set of Tombow Dual Brush Pens for that.
Simple Bullet Journal Weekly Spreads
Let’s say you want to have pretty simple pages that wouldn’t take a long time to set up, but you also don’t want to go full minimalist.
Don’t fret! There are very simple weekly spreads that will take you no time to set up but still will have some color and fun in them.
When you’re looking for something like that, it’s always useful to use some help, such as stencils or washi tapes. Or maybe even stickers (like the printable ones from my shop).
It will take you much less time to set the page up but it will still add some character to it.

A pretty easy weekly spread, especially when you consider that the creator used a stencil for the daily boxes.
Little accents of washi tape also look great. I’m always game if I get to use a vast washi tape collection.

I love how little elements like colorful headers and shadows add so much to the spread.
I’m also wondering what pens she used to create this spread, I love how bright and vivid they are.

This spread was super easy and fast to set up, and it ended up being very functional.
I also added an accent in green and it helped for that information to stand out.

It’s such a beautiful weekly spread, and I love how the daily boxes are not exactly there completely.
I kind of hate creating lines with rulers in my journal, so I’m always up for some ideas that don’t require that.

I love the bee theme it’s so easy to create, and you get to play with so many beautiful shades of yellow and orange.
And as you can see, you can create a stunning weekly spread without actually any doodles.

I love this art style with just blobs of color, it’s an easy technique to elevate your Bullet Journal decoration.
This is kind of the style I went for in my January 2021 Bullet Journal Setup.

Flowers are always a great way to add a bit of spark to your journal pages.
Don’t worry if you have never drawn flowers before; just check my post on Easy Flower Doodle Tutorials.

I love this spread and how it has space for both your to-do list and daily journaling.
One Page BuJo Weekly Spreads
This has been my obsession lately! One-page weeklies are great if you have a non-busy week and kind of just need to keep track of some major events or projects.
Alternatively, it can be a great choice if you have a larder size notebook, like my Nuuna or if your journal is B5.
You simply might not need that much space and one page can be enough.

Love these and how they are in a kind of rainbow pattern.
It’s an easy way to add more design to the page without decorations occupying too much space.

Since here I used my Nuuna journal, I actually ended up having a lot of space, even in this format.
With larger journals, you always get the space for planning and for decorating.

I like that in this weekly I actually had enough space to write a full-on to-do list.
A weekly to-do list is something I always love having on my spread and sometimes if it’s one page weekly there is just no space for it.

I think not many things will fit on this page, but it does look amazing.
It’s probably a good idea for a bit of a chill week.

What a gentle weekly spread with those soft pink colors.
It’s also so wonderfully structured and somehow still has so much space for everything.

This might be a good one for a rolling weekly or just a to-do list for the entire week.
I like that there are these little daily boxes on the left for scheduling any important event or deadlines.

The vertical format is probably the best when it comes to a one-page weekly spread.
And it’s always cool to add a little splash of color like here.

This was probably my first one-page weekly spread, and it worked so well.
I even had space to add my water tracker, which is always an important thing for me.

I love the scrapbook approach to decorating a weekly spread.
Different typed of paper layered just look so cool, wouldn’t you agree?
Dutch Door Weekly Log
This type of page is for the times when you need a bit more space in your weekly spread but still want to have a complete weekly overview.
Yes, to create this spread you’ll need to cut your journal, cut believe me it’s not that big of a deal once you do it.
The key here is not to cut the same part every time, because this might unbalance your journal. If you’re planning to use dutch doors more than just once – simply organize it differently so another part of the page is cut.
What I use to create dutch doors in my journal is a paper cutter and sewing scissors for some precision work. Sometimes I could use washi tape to help hide the imperfection of cutting and add more stability to the binding.

I love the creativity behind cutting our a pattern and not just a straight line.
For more ideas be sure to check my post Sushi Bullet Journal Theme Inspirations.

The idea of coloring inside the daily boxes is so fun, with more subtle colors like these it won’t even interfere with writing your daily tasks.
There are more inspirations in my post Space And Galaxy Themed Bullet Journal Pages.

This is another take on a creative approach to a dutch door weekly.
It looks great and definitely gave more space for decorating.

This is the basic dutch door setup and the one I always recommend people to get started with.
Simple because it’s easier to cut a straight line, and this way, you’re not cutting next to the binding.

This weekly spread is simply incredible.
The colors, the handwriting – it all came together looking just right.

Red and black go so well together.
And of course, it’s a perfect color combination for a Chinese New Year theme.

This dutch door might not be that obvious. but it basically allows you to have big daily pages and have an outlook of your week at the same time.
If you recreate this one, just be sure to be careful with cutting next to the binding.

Beautiful spread with the use of tabs and watercolor.
I’m really wondering what are things hidden behind these dutch doors.
Circle Weekly Spreads
I tried those and really there is no practical reason to use such a format. However, it is super fun to create them, and they do look very original once you’re done.
For circle weeklies (as well as any other circle trackers or logs in your Bullet Journal) you need something like this ruler.
I have both – this stencil from Jayden’s Apple and an amazing and super affordable circle maker from Helix. I think the Helix one is actually my favorite – it’s pretty cheap and has so many different circle sizes.

This was my first circle weekly, and it definitely was a fun one.
I’d say it might be too narrow for a smaller-sized journal though.

This is probably the most effective way to use a circle weekly – to put it in the middle for decoration.
This came out looking great and with enough space for everything needed.

All the pinks and flowers are so beautiful.
I must say, though that this is also in a Nuuna journal, so it might look a bit different in an A5 journal.

A very creative idea with circles.
Instead of making the entire spread a circle, just use circles for daily entries.

Mandalas are a great decoration to add to a circle weekly spread.
If you’ve never drawn one, just check my post How To Draw And Use Mandalas In Your Bullet Journal.
Weekly Spread With Everything
Sometimes you might need to track a lot of things in your life, and this type of weekly spread can be helpful.
I usually add my trackers to my monthly spread, meaning I have one tracker per month, not a weekly one.
However, it’s really easier to monitor and follow through when it’s in shorter periods. If you start a diet it’s easier to talk yourself through it week by week than the entire month.
Plus some weeks you might need trackers, some weeks you might not.
If you’re in a hurry when setting up these weeklies, it could be useful to have some mini habit tracker stickers or stamps.
We actually have mini habit tracker printables in the Resources Vault, so you can get them there, print them out, and just like that, setting your weekly spread will be much faster.
If you’re not part of Planning Mashers yet you can join at the end of the post and get access to our Resources Vault and so much more!

So much is packed in this spread, and yet it’s still clear and very easy to follow.
I think the use of different colors also helped to kind of divide the information.

What a gorgeous green spread, Nicole as always never disappoints.
And if you want to create something similar, be sure to check my post How To Draw Succulents And Other House Plants.

It’s unbelievable how much information the creator of this spread managed to put in such a small journal.
From the way I see it, this journal is just a B6-sized one, much smaller than your usual A5.

This is such a well-structured weekly spread and it’s looking very neat as well.
Loving the extra ideas like a list of weekly favorites and things to do later.

I’m obsessed with the color palette of this weekly spread, looking so classic.
Also as you can see there are so many things included in this weekly as well, and yet it has so much space for your daily to-do list.

I’d never think of using these two colors, but they look so amazing together.
It’s also such a cute idea to have a weekly overview journaling space.

I feel like a secret to adding a lot of information to your weekly spread is to add things in boxes, like in this weekly spread.
Weekly Spread For Work and School
It might seem like Bullet Journaling is just for your personal life. But nuh-uh, you can actually use your Bullet Journal for school and work!
So your weekly spread can absolutely include elements that help you with your work or school, such as a study tracker or a separate work to-do list. Just check these spreads below.

This weekly has a scheduling graph, and I think it would work very well for your study schedule.
I’m also loving so much the aesthetics of this setup.

This one doesn’t exactly have any special school-related elements, but I think the design has a study vibe to it.
Artistic Weekly Spreads
I left these for last since they are so gorgeous.
A lot of people are using their Bullet Journal as an artistic outlet, and it’s amazing. Honestly, I’m so stunned by how these pages look, I’d probably just put them into a frame.

Isabel always created such amazing illustrations, they definitely have to go on a wall, not just a Bullet Journal.
I’m also loving that she used my favorite label maker to add the headers and the quote.

Isn’t it amazing how much the colors stand out when you use black paper?
This one if I understand correctly was inspired by a studio Ghibli movie, so for more inspiration be sure to check my post Studio Ghibli Bullet Journal Ideas.

As I mentioned before, a circle weekly spread is perfect to add a huge decoration inside.
For more pages like this be sure to check my post Magical Disney Bullet Journal Inspirations.

This looks incredible, with such an amazing watercolor background and linework.
Pick A Perfect Bullet Journal Weekly Spread
I know all this might seem pretty overwhelming.
There are so many different formats, and so many different ways to decorate your weekly spread. How do you even decide on something that would work for you?
Well, to answer this question I created a mini-course called “Perfect Weekly”.
This course will help you to:
- speed up your weekly setup process
- find the format that works for you
- draw a productive but also creative weekly spread

Included in this course are:
- video lessons
- tips and tricks on creating a perfect weekly spread
- step-by-step on different types of weeklies
- printable weekly spreads to get you started
The best part is that you can also get it 10% off if you use code WEEKLY10.
Hundreds of students have already taken my courses and figured out the best way to use their Bullet Journal, I’d be so happy to help you as well.
Printable Weekly Spreads
Having printable weekly spreads is probably the best way to try out different things and figure out what works for you the best.
First of all, there are several free printable weekly spreads in our Resources Vault.
To get access to these, as well as many other Bullet Journal printables you just need to sign up in the form at the end of the post.
Secondly, you can always find a lot of weekly spreads and other goodies in my printables shop.

Finally, you can get tons of printables on our Patreon. Just for $2 a month, you’ll be getting two printable weekly spreads, doodle tutorials, and a chance to win our huge quarterly giveaway.
Plus joining our Patreon is also great support for Masha Plans, and it helps me to create more fun stuff for you guys.

So be sure to check it out, learn about tons of the rewards available, and maybe join our cozy little family.
Free Bullet Journal Weekly Printables
Apart from all those offers, there are also some amazing things available for free in our Resources Vault, and I’m not talking just about weekly spreads.

Joining Planning Mashers is a good start to figuring out what weeklies you like and what works for you.
Simply sign up in the form below!
Hope this post was interesting; if you find it so, please share! If you enjoy my content and want to show your appreciation, please consider supporting me with a cup of coffee.
And remember: Keep Bullet Journaling, and Don’t Be A Blob.

Thanks for this :)
I’ve been interested in bullet journaling for a while (have even purchased my doted notebooks ready to get started), but I’m not someone who draws or doodles. While some of the images in your post were a little bit much for my abilities, there were quite a few that looked simple and stylish.
Thank You – I’m now more confident about getting started.
Hello Lyndall! So happy it was helpful =) And you don’t need to draw or doodle, stickers and washi can do just as well. Or maybe some minimalistic pages!! Have fun with your journal =)