
25 Simple Habits To Improve Your Life

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There are many different things you can do to be happier. How about we list some of them?

Here I gathered 25 little things you can add to your day that will improve your life and put a smile on your face and on your heart.

Improving your life doesn’t have to be something big, drastic, and extremely difficult.

In fact, the opposite is true – big changes come from tiny habits and actions we do every day to improve our lives.

I’m here to show you just that, share my experience and give you some ideas on what you can do today to make tomorrow better.

So here are 25 simple little habits to improve your life.

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Books On Habits To Improve Your Life

Before we dive into 25 tiny habits that can change your life for the best, as they did with me, I thought it might be a fun idea to add here a few book recommendations.

These are some books that really helped me on my journey to establishing better habits and improving my life, and I'm sure you'll love them as well.

A lot of them are also available as audiobooks on Audible if you also prefer this format as I do. And you can get two free books when you sign up for a trial.

25 Simple Habits To Change Your Life

I’ve been pretty obsessed with building a better life for myself. As human psychology dictates (for most of us, I think), I wanted to start with a huge impactful change and reach my happiness peak in no time.

However, as it usually is with huge changes, it was too much, and I ended up not following through.

It’s difficult to go from a life of eating junk, no workout whatsoever, and Netflix binging to a fitness freak with perfect eating habits and healthy social life. It just was too drastic.

That lead me to consider alternative paths, and that’s when I started researching and looking into atomic habits.

This term comes from “Atomic Habits” book by James Clear, and it basically means little easy positive habits that, with consistency, change your life for the better.

There are a lot of very small things you can easily do daily. The secret is that, even if you don’t see the change right away, stacked all together in time, they create much more impactful and long-lasting results. That’s the secret.

That’s why you should remember: don’t try to add all of these to your daily routine at once. Start small, but keep on it, and you’ll see the change happening.

And, of course, your Bullet Journal can help you with that,m so be sure to check all the links for inspiration on how to make building habits a more fun activity.

Oh, and be sure to scroll until the end to get some free printables to help you work on these habits, especially if you don’t have the time to create your own trackers.

Get Enough Sleep

This is always a crucial one. If you’re not well rested, you won’t be at your best.

Sleep affects your mood, your immune system, your health, your work, your weight, and even your confidence.

A helpful tool to do that would be a Bullet Journal sleep tracker.

Less Screen Time

Technology is amazing, and it has brought us so many fantastic things. But as with everything, too much technology is not good.

Put away your cell phone, walk away from your laptop, and even take off your earbuds. Overcome the initial feeling of going back to your technology, and enjoy a little bit of the world and people around you.

I don’t have a separate tracker inspiration for that, but you can definitely just include this as an extra habit in your monthly Bullet Journal habit tracker.

Drink More Water

Stand up, go to the kitchen, fill a glass of water and drink it. Drink it all. I promise you’ll feel better afterward! Your body will thank you so much in the long and short run if you hydrate it regularly.

Plus, often, when you’re hungry, sleepy, tired, or even grumpy, you’re actually thirsty, so drinking water is a cool trick to snap out of those awful states.

A Bullet Journal water tracker would definitely be a good tool to help you establish this habit.

Water Tracker | Masha Plans

Stop And Smell The Roses

I don’t mean it literally (I mean, if you can literally smell some fresh roses every day, that also works great! whatever fits you).

No, but what I really mean is, take some time during the day to just stop and savor the moment.

Start A Gratitude Journal

Gratitude journals really changed the way I look at the world and helped me to develop a more positive attitude.

Just realizing how many things you actually have in your life to be grateful for feels like an eye-opening miracle.

If you need some help getting started, you can always use some of these Daily Gratitude Journal Prompts.

Deliver Yourself From Negativity

I’m sure if you pay attention to yourself, you’ll notice that there is some negative talk living within you. Pay close attention to your own thoughts and stop yourself every time you hear them in your head.

This will help you greatly to be less judgmental, bitter, and resentful. 

Practice Affirmations

Start your day by saying something nice to yourself in the mirror.

Even better – make it a positive message to contradict your negative talk and put yourself in the right mindset.

23 Inspirational Self Care Bullet Journal Page Ideas: Affirmations | Masha Plans
Credit: @thejournalishome


It’s easier than you think, and you don’t need a yoga Guru Master to teach you how. Simply find a quiet place and spend 5 minutes listening to yourself, and focus on your breathing.

That’s it. Meditation helps to lower stress levels, as well as to clear your head.

23 Inspirational Self Care Bullet Journal Page Ideas: Meditation Tracker | Masha Plans

Get Physical

No matter if it’s just taking a small walk after lunch or going to the gym for 3 hours and smashing those weights while you impress everybody with your huge deltoids.

Keep your body moving and your energy flowing.

Check my post Health And Fitness Bullet Journal Ideas to help you with that goal.

Make A To-Do List

Plan your day, or maybe just write down your daily tasks. This will help you to unload, to evaluate your day, and, of course, to be more in control.

Hey, maybe even start a Bullet Journal!

Learn Something New

Learning keeps our brains active and young! Learn a new word, a new way to use your empty notebook, a new language, a new skill, anything!

We live in the Internet era! There’s nothing we can’t learn from it; just check some of these free creativity courses.


It’s been long proven that your facial expressions are connected with your moods. So if you smile, you’ll eventually feel happier.

Use it to add a bit more joy to every day. It literally costs you nothing.

Light A Candle

There is no reason to keep that collection of beautiful candles without using any (says Masha as she looks guiltily at her unopened pack of Thai incense…). Just try lighting an aromatic candle when you come home from work.

The warm glow and calming smell will create a very special atmosphere. But remember to put it out before you go to sleep! Safety first!

Listen To Your Favorite Song

Maybe even sing along and dance. Why not? Crank it up and let yourself loose!

Your living room is as good as any disco out there. And free!

To move it one step further, I recommend you create a special playlist for cheering up or maybe even for a little dance party. Check out my post with Bullet Journal Playlist Page Ideas to see how you can add it to yours.

Read A Book

Reading is a great way to disconnect from the world and suddenly find yourself in a new unexplored universe and learn new things.

Set maybe even just 15 minutes a day to read a few pages.

And if you want to stay on track with that – just create a Bullet Journal Book Tracker.

Find Time For Things That Make You Happy

What are your hobbies? Gaming, crochet, cooking?

Whatever it is, find some time during your day to indulge in something that brings you joy.

Have Nuts As Your Snacks

Nuts have serotonin, so they can actually improve your mood. Make it a habit to have some almonds or pecans (I personally love pistachios!) as your midday snack.

Eat A Fruit

It’s not just good for your health and well-being, I bet it’ll also give you an extra boost for being so good and choosing a healthy snack. 

Slow Down While Eating

Like your momma told you: eat slowly and chew all your food. Slow down and give yourself a chance to enjoy your tasty meal and savor all the flavors.

Be mindful and grateful for little things like the food you’re having.

Play With Kids

Ever since I started working in a school, I realized how amazingly energizing kids could be.

They’ll most definitely put a smile on your face and make you put in perspective your problems, reminding you how pure and beautifully innocent childhood is.

The same would actually go for playing with puppies or kittens. Playing with Bruce always makes me happy.

Have A Pick Me Up Activity

The afternoon slump is a real deal, and it can basically kill the rest of the day. So think of a little something to pick you up and get back on track.

Maybe some of those kitty YouTube videos, a nice cup of herbal tea, or good coffee? A short nap? 


Make it a habit to floss; in the long run, it will pay off immensely!

Add Motivation To Your Life

Add a motivational postcard to your makeup table, or use a quote that motivated you as your phone wallpaper.

Mine is “THIS IS SPARTA!” 

Listen To A Podcasts

Podcasts are great to listen to while doing something else, like cooking or driving.

Choose something you like and get your daily dose of happy vibes from them.

Start A Journal

This is such a useful and impactful practice. Use your journal to write down your gratitude, or maybe positive events during the day, or even just compliments you receive.

Make it your little book of awesome!

You can check my list with 300+ Bullet Journal Page Ideas on how to fill out your journal.

For more ideas for habits that you can track to improve your life, be sure to check my post with 100 Habits To Track In Your Bullet Journal.

Free Bullet Journal Printables

Of course, I didn’t want to leave you without some freebies.

Already in the Resources Vault you can find a lot of habit trackers, but also gratitude logs, water trackers, playlist spread, and so much more.

If you don’t have access yet, you can always sign up in the form below.

Once you confirm your subscription, you’ll get the password to get 50+ free Bullet Journal printables, stickers, and worksheets to use right away.

What habits and tricks do you have in your life to make it better and yourself happier? Share with us in the comments section below!

I hope this list was helpful; if you find it so, please share!

And remember: Keep Bullet Journaling, and Don’t Be A Blob.

Sharing is caring!

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