15 Creative March Bullet Journal Theme Ideas
Spring is almost here, so it’s time to create the March Bullet Journal setup.
In this post, I’ll share with you my March setup as well as give lots of ideas for other Bullet Journal themes to use in March.
Ok brutal honesty time: Lately, I’ve been struggling with creativity, like a lot. Things are happening and this pandemic is not helping, so I’m feeling a bit uninspired.
However, this setup sparked my creativity, and I can’t wait to share it with you guys!
As I mentioned before, I’ll also be sharing some theme ideas from other artists, and of course, there will be a Plan With Me video at the end of the post.
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Floral Themed Bullet Journal Setup
First, let’s talk a bit about a theme and how it came to be.
In my latest doodling video with spring doodles, I used a lot of my Tombow Dual Brush pens and it made me want to do something crazy with color, especially the bright pink one.
I thought, what can be pink and very spring? The answer was clearly flowers! So I went to my favorite girl Erin from The Petite Planner for some simple floral ideas.
This was the tutorial I decided on; so simple and yet they come out super pretty.
While I was digging through her feed searching for this tutorial, I saw the theme she did one month with bright pink and lots of black and that’s how I knew I found my theme.
Sometimes when you’re stuck you just need a push from somebody from the community and I’m happy that Erin’s old theme helped me get my spark back.
I’m using here some of my Tombow Dual Brush pens. The two I used the most are from the tropical set, number 743 and number 723.
My notebook and the gorgeous cover are of course from Archer and Olive. Check my Archer And Olive Dot Grid Journal Review to learn more about this notebook and why I love it.
Plus, you can always use code MASHA10 and get yourself a 10% discount on any purchase from them.
Cover Page
One more thing I forgot to mention – I think I finally got the hand of brush lettering, so I really wanted to use it more in this setup.
And I did!
You can probably see how it was completely unprepared because the writing is so not centered. It’s hard but I’m working on letting it go.
My first idea was to fill out the entire background with thick black lines, but eventually, I went just for the frame.
Monthly Log
I really liked the calendar format I used in February, so I went with the same format for this month as well.
I’m feeling a bit sorry about those black lines – it looks pretty unfilled but I’m not sure how practical it will be to use them for monthly planning.
Also here we have another confirmation that my lettering was not planned at all – I got too ambitious and the entire word for “month” didn’t fit.
I should’ve used a brush pen with a smaller tip for that I think, but I wanted too much to keep everything the same color.
Goals Page
I’ve been analyzing how I’ve been working and realized that even though I did achieve some awesome things, I still don’t move along as much as I want to and more like floating than getting straight to my goal.
This is not something I had in my Bullet Journal for a long time, but I thought it’s time to bring it back.
So here is a little area for me to write my big goal for the month and on the right is the area to write what I need to achieve each week.
The rest of this week is pretty much just a quote – I honestly had nothing else to add here so went with showing off some of my newfound lettering skills instead.
Habit Tracker | Mood Tracker
The format in February for all my trackers worked perfectly with all the habits I’m working on so I kept that as well.
The thing I was missing from the tracker in February is knowing when weeks end, so I added a few lines and colors to signify the weekend.
Now you probably see here two days marked 7. There is a story behind it.
To make the lines of color straight I’ve been using a washi tape trick where you basically add washi to be borders so your lines are straight.
When I was taking off the top washi from the first week I did it too harshly and it came off with a little piece of the page.
I didn’t pay too much attention so instead of 5 that were ripped off I added 7. Eh well, not a big deal, not going to overthink it.
Gratitude Log
Yup, I learned my lesson so when the time came for me to letter the header for the gratitude log I knew I couldn’t fit it. So I just didn’t.
I’ve been using the gratitude log for months by now so I don’t really feel like I need a header for this page.
March Bullet Journal Theme Ideas
I know pink and flowers aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, so I decided to also gather some theme ideas from my BuJo friends.
If you can’t find here any theme you like, be sure to also check my post Inspirational Spring Bullet Journal Theme Ideas.
Leaves and flowers are perfect for Spring when nature wakes up and everything finally starts blooming.
In my opinion, Cam created just the perfect atmosphere on this cover page.
If we go on the road of botanical drawings I must offer you a sunflower theme. These are super easy to draw, and their yellow colors are so happy and bright.
I got this cover page from Julia because this is the happiest cover page I’ve ever seen – beautiful happy flowers and just the best good boy ever!
Dream Catchers
It is such a fun and original theme, I really like it.
Sounds perfect for those first warm days when you start sleeping with your window open.
Beautiful butterflies are one of the most spring-y things for me.
I’m not sure if the one on the cover page below is a butterfly or dragonfly, but anyway it’s beautiful and great for a March theme.
Hot tea or coffee is always a great theme, for any month and any season!
I also adore this take on it because it has some incredible lettering.
Easy theme without thinking too much – just pick a color you want to feature and go for it!
I love this cover page by Hayley, who added a unique twist to the color theme.
Those are always a good idea, especially the one Ela created – it has such a soft and uplifting atmosphere.
With snow melting and the weather warming up, it’s perfect for getting your bicycle out for a ride.
Add some flowers to the basket, and it becomes absolutely perfect for March.
Disney is a kind of theme that works well for every month, so if you’re having fun – just go for it and do a Disney theme this March.
Love this Tangled cover below. But if you’re favorite one is something different – check my post 69+ Extraordinary Disney Bullet Journal Inspirations.
House Plants
Spring might be a perfect time for you to get some house plants, or maybe just bring them to your Bullet Journal pages.
There are so many ways to draw house plants, and they are pretty easy to draw as well. Just check out my post with Succulent And Houseplant Doodles.
Self Care
Taking good care of yourself is always important, but I feel like in changing seasons such as Spring or Fall it’s especially important.
So actually in last year self-care was my March theme, be sure to check my Plan With Me: March 2020 Bullet Journal Setup if you wanna see my approach to this theme.
Koi Fish
For me Spring was always a season associated the most with Japan, and what speaks more about Japan than koi fish.
The koi fish cover page below is just gorgeous! Really makes me want to try this theme in my journal.
When I saw this cover page, I knew emoji would have to be added to this list.
How fun and positive does this cover page look!
Harry Potter
Another universal theme that can work for any month of the year, so of course, I had to include it in this list too.
For more Harry Potter pages and my take on the theme check my post 43+ Harry Potter Bullet Journal Theme Inspirations.
March Plan With Me
Finally, as I promised here is my Plan With Me video.
I’m sorry if I sound a bit weird there, but just a day before I sat down to record audio for this video I had one of my teeth pulled out. Not a pleasant experience.
What theme did you choose for your March setup?
Let us know in the comments.
Hope this post was useful; if you find it so, please share! If you enjoy my content and want to show your appreciation, please consider supporting me with a cup of coffee.
And remember: Keep Bullet Journaling and Don’t Be A Blob.
Thanks for glorifying and owning your mistakes! Seeing my mistakes as part of the process of creative journaling really helps me. I have an issue with perfectionism so I’ve decided that my goal would be to make an imperfect but authentic journal. So if there’s a mistake… mission accomplished 😎 it’s also a way to develop your problem-solving skills.
Last month I forgot the R in February so I added it after with a speech bubble and “whoops sorry I overslept!”. I’m pretty pleased with my idea :)
Absolutely love this idea! It’s always so fun to turn your mistakes into a funny and quirky game =)
Looking at your journal setup inspires me! Thank you for the great ideas. I love the transparent glitter snap case for your A&O journal. Is the cover case also Archer & Olive? Where could we purchase the case? Thank you!
I’m so happy to hear my pages inspire! Yes the cover is also from Archer and Olive, but it’s a part of their December 2020 Subscription box. If you want one my tip would be to check Archer and Olive Facebook groups, a lot of people swap and sell stuff there =)