31 Fun and Simple Bullet Journal Page Ideas
In October 2020 I set out to do a fun 31 days of Bullet Journal page ideas video series, where each day I shared a Plan With Me video of a new spread.
I put it all together today, so I can share it with you! Here are 31 easy Bullet Journal pages and ways to create these spreads in your BuJo!
Bullet Journal offers so much freedom that with all the possible pages, it’s hard to choose which ones to use. In this video series, I tried to think of pages I find the most useful and the ones you guys suggested.
There are also some free printables, but more on that at the end of the post.
Let’s dive in and create these Bullet Journal pages.
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Fun And Simple Bullet Journal Page Ideas
There are over 300 Bullet Journal page ideas I could come up with, and this is a huge number that seems overwhelming. So let's start with these 31 ideas.
And yes, this was also a video series on my YouTube channel, so there will be some links to the videos as well if you want to see me setting it up.
1. About Me Page
The About Me page is such a fun and useful spread!
It’s a little reflection page because while creating it, you start thinking more about who you are and what you want in life.
Plus, it’s a great thing to add to your Bullet Journal for your future self.
Looking back on your old About Me page, it’ll be interesting to see how much you’ve changed.
I created quite a few About Me pages in my Bullet Journals. If you want to learn more about this spread, check my post Creating An About Me Page In Your Bullet Journal.
Below you can see some of them, as well as a Plan With Me video for my latest page.
That's the spread I created for the video series; so interesting to look at it and see how many things already changed for me in just a few years.
There is also a free printable About Me spread in the Resources Vault, be sure to sign up at the end of the post.
2. Places To Visit
I love discovering new places and new cultures, but my biggest problem is that I usually forget what is it exactly I want to see.
With so many wonderful sights to see everywhere, it can be a little bit overwhelming to keep track of things. That’s when this page comes into play.
You can interpret this in any way you want. It can be countries to visit, sights in your city, events, or just restaurants to try!
I was thinking of the countries I wanted to visit, so I chose the air balloon design for my spread.
I think something so magical and romantic about flying away in an air balloon!
3. TV Tracker
In this time when TV shows are as high quality as some movies, I’m sure I’m not the only one who says I binge much more TV than I watch movies.
If you’re a TV show addict as well, this spread will be so useful!
There are a few ways you can use a TV tracker.
My approach was to create a tracker with a list of shows to watch. I just got myself a Netflix account, and I really needed to list out the things I should check; otherwise, it’s so easy to get lost in these hours of entertainment they have there.
Another way to use a TV tracker can be by tracking how many episodes you have already watched (or seasons for me, since I can never ever stop on just a few episodes). You could even modify my tracker for it.
If you want to have a TV tracker, this one is also a free printable in the Resources Vault. You can sign up at the end of the post.
You can also check my post on Movie And TV Series Tracker Bullet Journal Ideas to get some more inspirations for these trackers.
4. Countdown Bullet Journal Page
There are so many fun reasons to do a countdown; you can count until your next trip, a big holiday, or even a work promotion.
I love countdown pages because they help me wake up every day with a little feeling of wonder and excitement.
Plus, they are very useful to keep you on track.
When we were leaving China, I created a countdown page for the day I left.
Since every day I had to color a circle, it helped me to feel the time better and organize all my tasks in the right way, so I could spend the last days enjoying Beijing, not worrying about the things we didn’t have time to finish.
Since the video series was taking place in October, I, of course, made a countdown to Halloween.
5. Gratitude Log
This is my absolute favorite page, and I have it in one form or another each month.
This spread helps me fight my “glass half empty” attitude, be more mindful of my loved ones, and of course, generally, become a happier person.
Here are some ways you can create your Gratitude Log: a word a day, a doodle a day, a line a day, or you can just do it in a diary format.
One more inspiration for a gratitude log is just to mix things up. Here I used stickers, lettering, photos, and other things to every day add something that made me happy.
This month I decided to do something more unusual – I created a hollowed-out letter. It’s G that stands for Gratitude, and it’s surrounded by doodles of the things I’m grateful for.
The idea is to write gratitude around the centerpiece, and since I’m using a B5 notebook, it really gives me a lot of space to fill.
And generally, to learn more about this page, check my post Bullet Journal Gratitude Log For Happiness In Your Life.
6. Self Care Bullet Journal Page
I love creating self-care pages, just take a look at my list of 23 Self Care Page Ideas, and you’ll know that there are so many ways to add self-care-related spreads to your BuJo.
I struggle with self-care. I’m a goal-oriented person, so once I decide on something, I just go for it, forgetting about everything else, self-care included.
This isn’t a healthy approach because no matter what’s happening, you should always take care of yourself and make sure you’re on your 100% and ready to face the music.
That’s why I think self-care pages are so important – they help to remind us about the “me time” and that self-care isn’t selfish and doesn’t have to take a very long time.
15 minutes with a face mask might just be the break you need.
Of course, in October, I had to create a Fall Selfcare spread with just some special fun things you can do to make sure you can enjoy life and the beautiful changing nature around you.
7. Level 10 Life
Level 10 life is some of the best ways to work on your goals and generally check up on your progress.
You can read more about it in my detailed post on How To Set Your Goals With Level 10 Life, as well as get more inspiration.
Some of my first Level 10 Life followed the original concept and were in the shape of a circle.
I love the look, and I got a special stencil to create the circle trackers (there is also an amazing circle ruler for less than 10$, which will become your go-to tool for everything circle!).
In October, I decided to use a different shape.
Plus, you guys have been asking me to do something Harry Potter themed for a while, so I decided why not do both.
8. Birthday Tracker
Another fun collection you can try to create is a Bullet Journal birthday tracker.
It’s always a fun and festive spread to have.
I went with the things that associated the most with birthdays – a cake and balloons!
It doesn't give me a lot of space to add all the information, but my future log is usually only for birthdays and holidays, so it's not like I need that much space.
9. My Ideal Day Bullet Journal Page
One of the best spreads you can have in your Bullet journal for productivity. If you want to change your life, this is the first step.
Once you sit down and think of what you want your perfect day to look like, it’ll be so much easier to try to follow the schedule or at least make some little changes to your existing day to improve it.
I think the next time I'll add some color coding to the tasks since it really adds a visual component to the page.
For more ideas, check my post How To Create Routines In Your Bullet Journal.
10. Weight Loss Tracker
If you’re on this journey, every little victory must be noted and celebrated. This tracker is exactly what will help you with that.
If you want some more inspirations, you can check my post with Weight Loss Bullet Journal Page Ideas.
Having a tracker for your weight loss will help you to see your progress, correct your habits accordingly, and most importantly – stay motivated!
If you want to go deeper into it, check my post Health And Fitness Bullet Journal Page Ideas.
11. When Did I Last
Another super useful self-care spread.
The idea here is to write down when was the last time you did something that you should do regularly but not too often.
My perfect example is always mascara, which you are supposed to change 3 months after you opened it for the first time, but I always end up using it until it’s simply dried out.
If you add the date you opened your mascara here, you’ll easily know it’s time to buy a new one without a horrible realization that you need to leave the house in 15 minutes and your mascara is dead.
12. Savings Tracker
Another useful and satisfying collection to add to your Bullet Journal. I believe it’s really important to have some savings, whether for something specific or just as a backup plan.
A savings tracker is what helps you to stay organized and save money (which is usually a hard thing for me).
For more ideas, be sure to check Bullet Journal Budget Trackers To Organize Your Finances post.
To make it a bit more fun, I decided to do my savings tracker as a treasure map.
13. Movie Tracker
Keep track of all the movies in one place.
You can add here the movies you want to watch, to make sure you don’t miss them at the cinema, or maybe the ones you have already watched. Up to you!
I ended up not really watching many movies, so it’s not a page I’ve used much.
But it’s a fun collection to add to your journal.
14. 15 Minutes Tasks
Want to get the most out of your time? This spread will help! Think of this – how often, when you’re having a break, you end up spending half an hour on Instagram? For me, that happened too many times.
But this spread changed the game! This is a list of little things you can do in just 15 minutes. And it’s surprising how many things you can do!
Starting from being more productive and doing little chores in the house, ending with spending your breaks on yourself with 15 minutes of self-care.
This list will help you to have more done and to be more well-rested!
15. Workout Tracker
Another useful spread for your journey to a healthier life.
And you can customize it a lot, depending on your tracking needs.
Just color the days when you did a workout. Or make the tracker bigger and write down each day what workout you did or how many calories you burnt.
You can also add a color code to different types of workouts and just color your days in different colors.
16. Wishlist
Creating a wish list is a fun and therapeutic exercise. When you write down your wishes, you manifest them to the world and yourself.
Subconsciously, you’ll start working on making them come true.
Creating a wish list is also a fun way to spend some time with yourself and your Bullet Journal.
Oh, and for more inspiration, check my post Creative Bullet Journal Wish List Spreads.
17. Memories Page
This is one of my absolute favorite spreads to create!
My Bullet Journal is my book of life, so I love adding to it not just my plans and goals but also my sweet special memories.
Creating memory pages isn’t only about cementing your memories on paper.
It’s also, in a way, a gratitude log because by assembling all the positive memories, you’ll learn to appreciate all the good things.
That's why even though March 2020 was a hard month, I'll always remember it as one full of wonder and fun good things happening.
If you want to learn how to create those in your journal, you can find more inspo and more information in my post How To: Memory Keeping In Your Bullet Journal.
I also found that it’s a perfect time for me to experiment more and add some other stuff to my journal, like photos, which I don’t print out enough.
I love using pictures for my memory pages as well. I don’t keep any photo albums, so I guess it’s my way of preserving the photos.
In case you were wondering, I’m using an HP Sprocket mini printer.
18. Weekly Meal Plan
Planning your meal is super useful if you have a healthy lifestyle if you’re dieting, if you’re fighting allergies, or if you are just too busy to think about dinner.
It’s pretty useful to have a meal plan already included in your weekly, but of course, space is a bit limited, and you might not be able to write all the information you need.
That’s when a separate meal spread comes into play!
You can be more detailed with your meal planning here and include other useful things like a grocery list or snack ideas.
19. Sleep Tracker
Sleep is one of the most important factors in keeping yourself at 100%, and a sleep tracker can help you monitor it!
To learn more about sleep tracking, be sure to check my post 21 Adorable Bullet Journal Sleep Trackers For Better Sleep Habits.
I always say this works best together with other trackers, like mood tracker or productivity tracker, depending on what you want to know.
This helps you understand how sleep influences other areas of your life.
20. Goals Spread
Level 10 life is a great way to do checkups, but I feel like if you want to dive deep into your goals, you need to create a separate goals Bullet Journal spread.
Usually, I create my goals spread as a mind map, and it works well for me.
But lately, I’ve been missing some more structure, so I came up with something more detailed for this video series.
I added two things – first, a “why”, so you have a clear idea of why you want to achieve this and stay strong in difficult moments, and a “how”, so you have a plan to follow and get to your goal faster.
I also always recommend dividing goals by categories simply because it’s more structured and easier to work with, at least for me.
21. Book Tracker
This tracker was inspired by my November setup; it’s books and coffee, two things that go hand in hand for me.
You can use this tracker for writing the books to read or the books you have already read. The idea is that you write them down on the spines of the books from this stack.
I know some people like to rate their books, and if you do too – just as a number or a star next to it or out your rating outside of the book.
And of course, for more inspo, be sure to check my post Incredible Bullet Journal Book Tracker Ideas.
22. Passwords Spread
Nowadays, when everything needs a password, and it has to be in ancient tongues and sprinkled with the blood of virgins, it’s a real struggle to memorize them all.
So what you could do is create passwords spread!
Harry Potter Themed Passwords Spread | 31 Days of Bullet Journal Page Ideas
I want to mention that you should be careful when writing down passwords like that.
For example, to keep mine safe, I wrote them down in a notebook I never take out of the house.
23. Playlist Spread
A sweet collection to write down your favorite tunes. Or podcasts, in my case.
Speaking of which, if you have any recommendations, drop them in the comments below!
I know that many people prefer creating this spread monthly for whatever music they love during the month or maybe just adding a few songs in their monthly review.
So maybe this would work for you better.
Also, check my post Playlist Bullet Journal Spread Inspirations, to get some more ideas.
Updated Playlist Spread
I started creating more playlist spreads in the Summer of 2022, but it was mostly about the podcasts I was listening to.
Here is one of the playlist spreads from that time that I have with music.
I have a Plan With Me video for this spread and a coinciding podcasts playlist page.
It might have some fun ideas to ass to your podcast playlist as well!
24. Cleaning Tracker
This is the one I needed in my journal myself. It’s a huge help, especially for some of those cleaning tasks you have to do, but maybe just a few times a year.
Those escape my memory all the time.
Just a note – my tracker has a mistake; in my bi-weekly schedule, I have a week missing. So be sure to count it all over before you create your own.
Oh, and of course, I have a post with mo ideas: Bullet Journal Ideas To Tackle Spring Cleaning.
25. Family Dinner Menu Plan
Big family dinners can be an overwhelming affair! You don’t need that, especially during a happy time with your family.
Check out this menu plan to help you deal with stress.
I made this spread at the end of October, so I’ve already started thinking of Thanksgiving dinner.
Be sure to check my post Thanksgiving Bullet Journal page ideas for more inspirations for the holiday,
But this works just as well for any other occasion; just change the doodles to something else.
26. Things That Make Me Happy
A wonderful spread that will bring you tons of joy.
The idea here is to remind yourself that you can find happiness in little things.
It’s a very pleasant page to create and can greatly help you when you’re down.
Just flip back to this page and remind yourself of all the amazing little things.
27. Skin Care Spread
Skincare is super important, but I know from my own experience that I sometimes forget about it or get carried away by life and completely ignore it.
This spread, first of all, will remind you what your routine should be and show you how it takes no more than 10 minutes, while the result lasts for years.
For example, when creating this spread, I remembered that I needed a new serum, and generally, it’s been a while since I had any pilling or face masks.
A few years later, I made another skincare spread, and this time I added quite a few steps to my routine.
Dividing it by days is useful if you do skincare cycling, for example, so here we are.
I keep changing things and adding more to my routine all the time, so a few of the pages I did in 2022 I actually recorded.
Check out below the video with two updated skincare routine pages, including one of the above.
28. Productivity Bullet Journal Spread
This is just one more way to increase your productivity.
You don’t have to follow all the hacks you read about, but it’s useful to have a list of different ones and try them until you figure out which ones work for you.
I decided it might be fun to create a separate page with some tips and good practices to make sure you do the best with your time.
If you’re working on your productivity, check my post with 7 Ways To Be More Productive With Your Bullet Journal and 5 Bullet Journal Pages To Increase Your Productivity.
29. Pen Swatch Bullet Journal Spread
Pen swatch pages are super useful.
First, you need to have one every time you start a new notebook, so you’re sure which pens you can use and which ones you can’t.
Secondly, they are useful for learning how the color will look in your notebook.
Many notebooks have an ivory tint, meaning their colors will look different from what you have on your marker.
And finally, it’s a great way to easily see all the colors available to you.
Much easier option to check on when deciding a theme than just looking through all your pen collections.
Tombow Pen Swatch (Plus Free Printable Color Chart) | 31 Days of Bullet Journal Page Ideas
Make sure you drop by our Facebook group because I created a color chart for Tombow Dual Brush pens with all 108 colors.
Print it out and start logging your Tombow collection!
And check my post Bullet Journal Pen Swatch Spreads, for inspiration on how to create fun ones in your journal.
30. Mood Tracker
Mood tracker is a super fun spread, mostly because it’s, in a way, a coloring page – each day, you color something with the color symbolizing your mood.
You can go a few ways with it – assign a color to each emotion, or create a scale from good to bad and add colors from best to worst.
For me, personally, this format works better.
For more ideas and inspirations, check my post Everything About Bullet Journal Mood Trackers.
31. Monthly Review
A monthly review is probably the most influential spread in your Bullet Journal.
It can help you improve your life, and yourself and customize your BuJo better to your needs.
There are many other ways you can do your monthly review, check out my Monthly Review and Why You Need It to post to learn other ways to do it and how it can help you.
We also have 3 different monthly review pages in the Resources Vault; you know what to do.
Since this was my monthly review for October, it’s actually in my Blackout Book.
I also added here a little quote, just to make it more fun.Free Printables
In case you missed it, many of these pages are available in the Resources Vault as free printables.
That way, you can try them out without spending time setting up a page you might not use.
Sign up in the form below, and you’ll get your access immediately. It has pages like: about me page, tv tracker, gratitude log, level 10 life, birthday tracker, workout tracker, and more.
I hope this post was interesting. If you find it so, please share! If you enjoy my content and want to show appreciation, please consider supporting me with a cup of coffee.
And remember: Keep Bullet Journaling, and Don’t be a blob!
I found this super useful. Thank you for posting!
Thank you, happy to hear that!
Thank you for sharing all these fantastic ideas. I am new to this and these and these are so helpful!
Marge, thank you for your comment. So glad you find these useful. And welcome to the world of Bullet Journaling!
I am a new addict to bujo. I adore all your pages, tips and videos. Just wanted to say Thank you~
So, Thank you!
Thank you for taking the time to do it!! So glad you find my materials useful.
Thank you for sharing us this wonderful journal ideas
I love everything from the videos. I just can’t understand the drawing. I think that some of the pictures video were done to fast so I could really follow through or copy come of the techniques. Other than that I love it.
I’m trying to go slower these days. But thankfully you can always slow down on YouTube! Thanks for your comment and letting me know, I’ll try to do the drawing part a bit slower.