Bullet Journal Blank Page Ideas
Do you often look through your journal and find that there are quite a few blank pages in absolutely random places? I definitely do, and sometimes I can’t even remember what I had planned for those.
This can be upsetting and kind of a waste of your journal pages. So here are a few Bullet Journal page ideas you can use to turn those blank pages into something fun, creative, and useful.
There are many reasons why you might end up having an empty page in your journal, and it’s important to understand that life happens. Be forgiving of yourself for not having the perfect journal with every page filled out with aesthetic handwriting.
Maybe you were planning to have a weekly spread there but got distracted by things and didn’t plan that week at all. Maybe you left some space to plan the work project, but it got canceled. Or maybe you just made a mistake and flipped through an empty page when setting up your next month (if it sounds like me, it’s because it did happen to me).
Whatever your reasons, having a blank page in your Bullet Journal is normal, and if it’s something you want to fix – here are some fun and creative way to fill out your blank pages.
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Bullet Journal Blank Page Ideas
One of the things I love the most about Bullet Journaling is how versatile it is and how many opportunities it provides you with.
I’m listing here some ideas, but I’m quite sure it’s possible to think of 300+ other page ideas that would work just as well.
So here are some page ideas I came up with and actually enjoy adding myself.
Quote pages are really fun to create. They can be a great source of motivation and encouragement or help you summarize a certain time of your life on one page.
Be sure to click the "read more" button to learn how to start creating cute little quote pages in your Bullet Journal.
Wish lists are always fun to create. It's like window shopping, I think; by just creating a list of things, you already get a feeling of gratification.
I know this spread is more decorative, but of you click "read more" and check out some others, you'll see that sometimes it can be just a list, nothing extra.
Oh, and another cool thing about creating a wish list is that next time you want to treat yourself, you'll know exactly what to get!
A brain dump is an amazing tool to help you manage the overwhelm of all the responsibilities. And it's a great idea for your blank page.
All you need is just to open that empty page and start writing down everything on your mind.
Pen swatches are very useful pages because they allow you to figure out if your journal fits these pens, see how the colors look on this particular paper, and, of course, create a reference for your stationery collection.
It's a great page idea, but it can also be a good idea for a blank notebook, which is what I'm doing with my own pen test pages.
Learning how to doodle is all about practice, so why not use your Bullet Journal blank page as a place to practice doodling? If you make some themed doodles, they can also be an inspiration for your next Bullet Journal theme.
It can be a bit difficult to get started on that, though, so I recommend you find a doodling challenge and do that, like the one we have on Patreon.
Memory keeping is a wonderful technique to ensure you always remember all the good moments of your life. For me, these pages are kind of like photo albums for my nana. So I'm always up for creating some!
And it doesn't have to be connected to the planning pages around it. If you find yourself having an empty page, maybe just create a collage with the best memories ou had with your friends.
To learn more about memory keeping, you'll have to click "read more" and check my post on the topic.
A gratitude log is a fantastic tool to train your brain to concentrate more on the positive things as well as to make it remember that things are always brighter than they seem.
And I know usually a gratitude log is something you fill out as you go during a month. But you can also just sit down and write everything at once. There are no strict rules here.
mandalas are super fun to create; it's always such a calming and therapeutic practice. Drawing a mandala is almost like meditating, where you kind of just log off the world and enjoy the moment.
They are also pretty simple to create; click "read more" to learn about starting drawing mandalas in your journal.
Self-care is so important, and we often forget to make ourselves a priority. It's too easy to lose yourself in your day-to-day tasks and forget to pay attention to your own needs.
So maybe this is the page you should add next time you see some blank space. Fill it out with some fun self-care ideas, and show yourself some love you know you deserve!
There is also one bonus entry – if you have a blank page in your Bullet Journal, you can always fill it out with a printable.
And I have a lot of free ones for you!
Free Bullet Journal Printables
Our Resources Vault has 100+ free printables that help you build that perfect planner for yourself.
Apart from the basic pages, like the weekly log and key, there are also many creative page ideas, like the daily routine and about me page.
If you don’t have your access yet, just sign up in the form below. Once you confirm your subscription, you’ll get the secret word to access all the freebies!
Printables, by the way, are also a great tool to fix some big Bullet Journal mistakes. So that’s a bonus reason to sign up and get yours.
Which one of these ideas did you like? What are you planning to try?
Let us know in the comments!